cbanack / comic-vine-scraper

An add-on script for ComicRack that lets you copy details from Comic Vine into your comic books.
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Python Error Running Script #490

Closed SoccerNerd closed 1 year ago

SoccerNerd commented 1 year ago

Installed on new PC and I am getting the following Python error. This did not occur on old system.

I do have Python 3.11 installed on my new PC, not sure if this would result in issues.

------------------- PYTHON ERROR ------------------------ Caught StandardError: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\joe.zucco\AppData\Roaming\cYo\ComicRack\Scripts\Comic Vine Scraper\", line 142, in scrape File "C:\Users\joe.zucco\AppData\Roaming\cYo\ComicRack\Scripts\Comic Vine Scraper\", line 209, in _ScrapeEngine__scrape File "C:\Users\joe.zucco\AppData\Roaming\cYo\ComicRack\Scripts\Comic Vine Scraper\", line 628, in _ScrapeEnginesort_books File "C:\Users\joe.zucco\AppData\Roaming\cYo\ComicRack\Scripts\Comic Vine Scraper\", line 596, in _ScrapeEnginecompare_books File "C:\Users\joe.zucco\AppData\Roaming\cYo\ComicRack\Scripts\Comic Vine Scraper\", line 80, in <lambda$87> File "C:\Users\joe.zucco\AppData\Roaming\cYo\ComicRack\Scripts\Comic Vine Scraper\", line 239, in _ComicBook__unique_series_s

cbanack commented 1 year ago

Well, the scraper plugin uses Iron Python 2.7, but that is installed with the rest of ComicRack, so I don't see how having Python 3 on your system would affect it.

I believe you can press Ctrl-shift-L while a scraper window has keyboard focus and it should save out a more complete log file that might give you a better hint about what's going on.

SoccerNerd commented 1 year ago

I tried Ctrl-shift-L and did not generate any additional information in the log file. I am also getting some other ComicRack minor errors so might be a permissions issue on the new PC. Will play around with it some more.

SoccerNerd commented 1 year ago

OK, this might have been related to another issue with ComicRack. I was getting an annoying pop up everytime I started that was complaining about "This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms". But the app seemed to work fine with the exception of Comicvine.

I found a solution to the ComicRack error by setting the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\FipsAlgorithmPolicy key in the registry to 0 (off).

I no longer received the ComicRack pop-up warning, and it seems to have also allowed Comicvine to run correctly as well.

Posting here in case anyone else runs into a similar issue.

cbanack commented 1 year ago

Thanks for posting a solution to this, if anyone has a similar issue I'll be sure to point them at this ticket.