Open freechocolate opened 6 years ago
Forgot to add a section discussing the disc image uploads. The current version is set up to handle a single image for testing, I believe we are ready to enhance the Disc creator to handle all three images per disc.
Overview We use Entangle to synchronize capturing all 3 images per disc at once. The program seems to work best when I specify a separate directory per camera, so I've set up the directories ./Pictures/Front, ./Pictures/Profile, ./Pictures/Back
Steps to move forward
Regarding Step 1, to start the imageWatcher script, I currently run node ./scripts/imageWatcher.js myaccount /pathto/photo/directory
I'm guessing the future version would look like node ./scripts/imageWatcher.js myaccount /pathto/photo/directory /pathto/photo/directory2 /pathto/photo/directory3
Hope this helps. Please let me know if there are questions or areas to elaborate on.
I may have the disc label printing worked out on our side now, but it will require a little more magic from your end to pass the data into a template:
Here's a snippet from the template: ^FD>;1234567890^FS ^FT347,23^A0I,18,40^FH\^FDHAZYSHADE.COM^FS ^FT347,74^A0I,39,38^FH\^FD$1234.00^FS ^FT331,198^A0I,14,24^FH\^FD-please do not litter-^FS ^FT395,157^A0I,28,28^FH\^FDChampion^FS ^FT395,121^A0I,28,28^FH\^FDTeebird^FS ^FT257,157^A0I,23,24^FH\^FD175g^FS ^FT257,120^A0I,23,24^FH\^FDLight Yellow^FS
This is passing the following attributes into the label template:
Once the file has the update values I can print the production label by printing to my default printer using lpr DiscTemplate007.prn
Auto-complete the shared attributes between DiscType and Disc
New attribute order
Default attribute setting adjustments