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Disc creation speed boosts #19

Open freechocolate opened 6 years ago

freechocolate commented 6 years ago

Auto-complete the shared attributes between DiscType and Disc

  1. Label
  2. Name
  3. Description
  4. MSRP/Price (Add MSRP to DiscType collection)

New attribute order

  1. Label
  2. Name
  3. DiscType
  4. Weight
  5. Color
  6. PLH
  7. URL
  8. Price
  9. Description
  10. Is Sold
  11. Sell Online
  12. Is Used
  13. StampType
  14. Created At
  15. Run Date
  16. Disc History

Default attribute setting adjustments

  1. Is Sold-> False
  2. Stamptype-> Stock
  3. Sell Online-> True
  4. Is Used-> False
freechocolate commented 6 years ago

Forgot to add a section discussing the disc image uploads. The current version is set up to handle a single image for testing, I believe we are ready to enhance the Disc creator to handle all three images per disc.

Overview We use Entangle to synchronize capturing all 3 images per disc at once. The program seems to work best when I specify a separate directory per camera, so I've set up the directories ./Pictures/Front, ./Pictures/Profile, ./Pictures/Back

Steps to move forward

  1. Expand the imageWatcher script for handling 3 separate directories
  2. Update the Disc collection URL to include the 2 additional links

Regarding Step 1, to start the imageWatcher script, I currently run node ./scripts/imageWatcher.js myaccount /pathto/photo/directory I'm guessing the future version would look like node ./scripts/imageWatcher.js myaccount /pathto/photo/directory /pathto/photo/directory2 /pathto/photo/directory3

Hope this helps. Please let me know if there are questions or areas to elaborate on.

freechocolate commented 6 years ago

I may have the disc label printing worked out on our side now, but it will require a little more magic from your end to pass the data into a template:

Here's a snippet from the template: ^FD>;1234567890^FS ^FT347,23^A0I,18,40^FH\^FDHAZYSHADE.COM^FS ^FT347,74^A0I,39,38^FH\^FD$1234.00^FS ^FT331,198^A0I,14,24^FH\^FD-please do not litter-^FS ^FT395,157^A0I,28,28^FH\^FDChampion^FS ^FT395,121^A0I,28,28^FH\^FDTeebird^FS ^FT257,157^A0I,23,24^FH\^FD175g^FS ^FT257,120^A0I,23,24^FH\^FDLight Yellow^FS

This is passing the following attributes into the label template: mongoID Price PlasticType Mold Weight Color

Once the file has the update values I can print the production label by printing to my default printer using lpr DiscTemplate007.prn