cbehan / pycftboot

A free frontend for the conformal bootstrap
MIT License
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Question: running the Tutorial failed (fixed) #8

Closed yinchenhe closed 7 years ago

yinchenhe commented 7 years ago

I was trying to run the tutorial, but it failed. Following is the message I got.

Welcome to the PyCFTBoot tutorial! Please read the comments and watch for coloured text. Which theory would you like to study? These take increasingly long amounts of time.

  1. 3D Ising model (even sector only).
  2. 3D O(3) model.
  3. 3D Ising model (odd sector as well).
  4. 4D N = 1 supersymmetric model. Choice: 1 Finding basic bound at external dimension 0.518... Trying 1.2 SDPB started at 2017-Sep-06 22:47:30 SDP file : "mySDP.xml" out file : "mySDP.out" checkpoint in : "mySDP.ck" checkpoint out : "mySDP.ck"

Parameters: maxIterations = 500 maxRuntime = 86400 checkpointInterval = 3600 noFinalCheckpoint = true findPrimalFeasible = true findDualFeasible = true detectPrimalFeasibleJump = false detectDualFeasibleJump = false precision(actual) = 660(704) maxThreads(using) = 4(4) dualityGapThreshold = 1e-30 primalErrorThreshold = 1e-30 dualErrorThreshold = 1e-30 initialMatrixScalePrimal = 100000000000000000000 initialMatrixScaleDual = 100000000000000000000 feasibleCenteringParameter = 0.1 infeasibleCenteringParameter = 0.3 stepLengthReduction = 0.7 choleskyStabilizeThreshold = 1e-40 maxComplementarity = 1e+100

 time      mu        P-obj       D-obj      gap         P-err       D-err      P-step   D-step   beta  dim/stabilized

Assertion failed: (info == 0), function LUDecomposition, file src/Matrix.cpp, line 196. Traceback (most recent call last): File "tutorial.py", line 58, in result = sdp.bisect(lower, upper, tol, channel) File "bootstrap.py", line 1256, in bisect result = self.iterate() File "bootstrap.py", line 1190, in iterate terminate_reason = output["terminateReason"] KeyError: 'terminateReason'

yinchenhe commented 7 years ago

It is fixed now. It seems that I didn't install symengine.py properly.

cbehan commented 7 years ago

Glad to hear it.