cben / mathdown

Collaborative markdown with math
420 stars 46 forks source link

Future of Mathdown: simplify, upstream #172

Open cben opened 6 years ago

cben commented 6 years ago

Since working full-time I don't have enough time to develop Mathdown :-( The time I do have is largely spent on operational things like rotating SSL certs... People don't really use it (I see 2–6 simultaneous users, and I suspect most just play in the https://mathdown.net/?doc=about sandbox).

What will happen to mathdown.net ?

Mathdown is open-source (but data backend isn't #4) and is not going anywhere. The hosting is cheap and I intend to keep it running for years. But I won't develop it much. In fact I'd like to reduce its scope, e.g. go back to static hosting, to make it easier to keep alive.



Single-pane with in-place styling — but desktop, not collaborative:

See https://github.com/cben/mathdown/wiki/math-in-markdown for tons of markdown tools that support math...

Upstreaming the technology

Instead I'd like to contribute similar abilities to other projects with more users. Mathdown has 2 essential parts:

  1. In-place markdown styling ("WYSIWYM"). I'm happy to see this done by more and more projects. My concrete implementation is a thin customization on top of CodeMirror.

    • [ ] Upstream some customizations to CodeMirror.
    • [ ] Base Mathdown on https://github.com/sparksuite/simplemde-markdown-editor, contribute there as needed.
    • [ ] Contribute single-pane mode to HackMD CodiMD (CodeMirror based)
    • [ ] Improve Jupyter notebook markdown styling (CodeMirror based) for more seamless editing/rendered transition.
  2. In-place math rendering. Also done by Gitbook editor, Overleaf, and possibly others.

TOCHECK: how do Abricotine / GhostWriter / Uberwriter do in-place styling & math? can it be combined into online collaborative sites?!

Feedback / help welcome

The above is just my plan, I'd love to hear what others want to happen. Due to the choices I made to keep it anonymous with no analytics, I have very little visibility how people use mathdown.