cbernardo / libIGES

Implementation of the IGESv5.3 specification
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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MSVC do not like the #warning preprocessor command #9

Closed nickoe closed 9 years ago

nickoe commented 9 years ago

When building with the MSVC it will fail with the following error.

fatal error C1021: invalid preprocessor command 'warning'

Some suggestions to fix this and still have the opportunity to write warning and errors is to have a look at theese two suggestions: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/471935/user-warnings-on-msvc-and-gcc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6438468/force-warning-error

cbernardo commented 9 years ago

I will just comment these out and put in some other marker, or consider placing a definition in "error_macros.h" which uses the #pragma comment for MSVC and "#warning" for gcc and others. I hate MS #pragmas (or any #pragma for that matter).

nickoe commented 9 years ago

Also be aware of the #error ones. I see you have uncommented the #warning ones in 53914c9d42fe73671bc80f19316f8999b13eb5ec.