cbernet / cmgtools-lite

CMGTools as a subsystem, not as a CMSSW overlay
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Miniaod CERN/LYON #14

Closed cbernet closed 6 years ago

cbernet commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the long message, but please read, it's important.

We tried to run our computing workflow on the GRID. The workflow consists in running cmsRun as a heppy preprocessor. The preprocessor is doing:

The problem with this workflow are the following:

So I've implemented a new computing workflow:

The advantages of this workflow are:

I confirm perfect synchronisation in the mutau channel. For the tautau and etau channels, we need to slightly adapt the heppy configuration file, please contact me when you want to do so.

To make submission of jobs easier, I provided two scripts, which are executable (see help with -h):

I have started the production of MINIAOD_CL.

When this is done and validated, I'll run a prod focusing on the samples needed for an inclusive analysis, and then we'll make the rest.

@lucastorterotot : I will contact you now to help you recover from your corrupted local area @steggema : we should talk soon, I guess, any time is fine :-) @GaelTouquet