cbeust / kobalt-intellij-plugin

An IntelliJ plug-in for Kobalt
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Provide an option to make Kobalt sources available #70

Closed dittert closed 7 years ago

dittert commented 7 years ago

As Egon, the maintainer of our build scripts, I'd like to be able to access the source code of Kobalt directly from my build scripts in order to not need to repeatedly configure this manually.

Details IDEA shows only method signatures of Kotlin code by default. All the implementation is hidden behind /* compiled code */. This would also be very helpful while working on build scripts because you can just step into the implementation. I'm not really concerned with the additional size of the sources (after all, building already means downloading 30% of the internet anyway).

There could be an option sources=true in kobalt-wrapper.properties that triggers the download of sources. The IDE plugin add kobalt-plugin-api-1.0.23-sources.jar and kobalt-1.0.23-sources.jar to the Kobalt jar.

dmitry-zhuravlev commented 7 years ago

Should be done on Kobalt side first. See https://github.com/cbeust/kobalt/issues/237

dmitry-zhuravlev commented 7 years ago

Kobalt sources now packaged within zip distribution since 1.0.68 Also Kobalt and plugin have ability to download sources/javadoc for dependencies mentioned in Build.kt