cbeust / kobalt

A Kotlin-based build system for the JVM.
Apache License 2.0
433 stars 60 forks source link

Unable to application:run since 1.0.40 #384

Closed ethauvin closed 7 years ago

ethauvin commented 7 years ago
$ kobaltw --init java
$ ./kobaltw run
            _  __          _               _   _
           | |/ /   ___   | |__     __ _  | | | |_
           | ' /   / _ \  | '_ \   / _` | | | | __|
           | . \  | (_) | | |_) | | (_| | | | | |_
           |_|\_\  \___/  |_.__/   \__,_| |_|  \__|  1.0.45

  Regular compilation time: 4107 ms
  Regular compilation time: 1296 ms
Parallel build starting
     ║ Building New folder ║
───── New folder:compile
  Java compiling 1 file
───── New folder:assemble
  Created .\kobaltBuild\libs\New folder-0.1.jar
───── New folder:install
Installing from .\kobaltBuild\libs to libs
───── New folder:run
***** ERROR Couldn't find any jar file with a main class in it

Add to revert to 1.0.39 to make it work.