cbeust / kobalt

A Kotlin-based build system for the JVM.
Apache License 2.0
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Publishing "multi-project" project to Bintray? #486

Closed johanhaleby closed 5 years ago

johanhaleby commented 5 years ago

What's recommended approach to publish a Kobalt project containg multiple projects? I have a library that consists of a "core" project and a "spring" project (which depends on "core"). Currently both projects are configured with:

bintray {
        publish = true
        sign = true

but I suspect that this won't work since, if I understand it correctly, bintray opens a single staging repository for both artifacts and you can't publish this repository twice? Or have I misunderstood something here?

cbeust commented 5 years ago

Hi @johanhaleby,

Kobalt itself is made of three different projects, can you just copy what it does?

And if you want to include transitive dependencies, all you need is fatJar = true.

johanhaleby commented 5 years ago

@cbeust Thanks! Hadn't looked at build file for kobat itself, seem to be a great resource. I'll give it a try :)