Open karafen opened 2 years ago
How do you guys setup the CDN mode in Cloudflare? Is there a wiki or manual. Found this but still couldn't figure it out.
Hi! I used Cloudflare to proxy my server. Here is a ckclient.json:
"RemoteHost": "",
"Transport": "CDN",
"ProxyMethod": "wg",
"EncryptionMethod": "plain",
"UID": "---",
"PublicKey": "---",
"ServerName": "",
"NumConn": 4,
"BrowserSig": "firefox",
"StreamTimeout": 300
In addition, all SSL/TLS options should be disabled on Cloudflare's side and the SSL/TLS encryption mode must be "Flexible". Then go to your Cloak server config and add ":80" to the list of BindAddr, how it was written there.
Hello guys! Please help me set up ss+cloak in Cloudflare CDN transport mode! Everything works fine in direct mode, but in CDN mode: "time="2022-07-23T00:24:58+05:00" level=error msg="Failed to prepare connection to remote: failed to handshake: websocket: bad handshake ".