cbeuw / Cloak

A censorship circumvention tool to evade detection by authoritarian state adversaries
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error: stuck at attemping to start a session #222

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago


Recently, I became familiar with Cloak and I believe the idea is very similar to Xray's REALITY. Ofcourse, I realized it was introduced before REALITY. Since REALITY works in Iran, I decided to implement Cloak. I use Cloak v.2.7.0 and my client is stuck at "attemping to start a session" cmd message and my server's log shows these messages. I wonder if there is a bug in Cloak v2.7.0, or my implementation is wrong, or Cloak is compromised. I must add I've also tested the 1-Click installation and had no luck.

Server's Log:

level=warning msg="non (or malformed) ClientHello" UID= encryptionMethod=0 proxyMethod= remoteAddr="1>

level=warning msg="error reading first packet: unrecognised protocol" remoteAddr="Unknown IPv4.IPv4.IPv4.IPv4>

level=warning msg="error reading first packet: unrecognised protocol" remoteAddr="Unknown IPv4.IPv4.IPv4.IPv4>

level=warning msg="failed to unmarshal ClientHello into authFragments: malformed key_share" UID= encr>

level=warning msg="error reading first packet: read error after connection is established: read tcp 1>

ghost commented 12 months ago

Could this problem be because of browser imitation failure? Isn't it better to implement utls library?