cbeuw / GoQuiet

A Shadowsocks obfuscation plugin utilising domain fronting to evade deep packet inspection
GNU General Public License v3.0
814 stars 117 forks source link

fix: listen and connect on ipv6 host #56

Open dnomd343 opened 2 years ago

dnomd343 commented 2 years ago

GoQuiet work unusual under shadowsocks-libev SIP003 mode when REMOTE_HOST or LOCAL_HOST is IPv6 address.

~/GoQuiet # ss-local -v -s ::1 -p 12345 -b -l 1081 -k dnomd343 -m aes-256-ctr --plugin ./gq-client --plugin-opts "ServerName=www.bing.com;key=dnomd343;TicketTimeHint=300;Browser=chrome"
 2022-03-04 15:55:52 INFO: plugin "./gq-client" enabled
 2022-03-04 15:55:52 INFO: initializing ciphers... aes-256-ctr
 2022-03-04 15:55:52 INFO: Stream ciphers are insecure, therefore deprecated, and should be almost always avoided.
 2022-03-04 15:55:52 INFO: listening at
 2022-03-04 15:55:52 INFO: running from root user
dump start =>
  localHost -> ::1
  localPort -> 34859
  remoteHost -> ::1
  remotePort -> 12345
  pluginOpts -> ServerName=www.bing.com;key=dnomd343;TicketTimeHint=300;Browser=chrome
2022/03/04 15:55:52 gq-client.go:219: listen tcp: address ::1:34859: too many colons in address
 2022-03-04 15:55:52 ERROR: plugin service exit unexpectedly
 2022-03-04 15:55:52 INFO: closed gracefully
 2022-03-04 15:55:52 INFO: error on terminating the plugin.