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ImportError: No module named Box2D (I had installed pybox2d) #34

Closed dongleecsu closed 8 years ago

dongleecsu commented 8 years ago

Hi Chelsea, Thank you for your awesome work about GPS. I followed the instructions to install the GPS algorithm from http://rll.berkeley.edu/gps/, but got an import error: No module named Box2D when I ran the code python python/gps/gps_main.py box2d_pointmass_example

This is how I set up Pybox2D( the 2nd step is different, since the url:http://pybox2d.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ was not found):

  1. sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev swig python-pygame subversion
  2. git clone https://github.com/pybox2d/pybox2d
  3. python setup.py build sudo python setup.py install So I thought maybe I had installed pybox2d correctly. But there was always an error :ImportError: No module named Box2D".

Could you please give me any advice about this issue? Thank you.

Dong Li

cbfinn commented 8 years ago

It sounds like your installation wasn't successful. You should be able to successfully run "import Box2D" in a python shell, once it's installed.

Your steps look reasonable based on the pybox2d github installation instructions.

cbfinn commented 8 years ago

Can you try running the following to install?

sudo apt-get install python-box2d
dongleecsu commented 8 years ago

I tried to install by following: sudo apt-get install python-box2d, and everything went well. But when I ran import Box2D, the same error threw. I also deleted pybox2d and reinstall again, but got the same error. It's really weird to get this error since I followed the pybox2d github installation instructions.

cbfinn commented 8 years ago

I would bring up this error with the Box2D codebase. Sorry, I don't know how else to help.

mjm522 commented 8 years ago

The instruction in the official gps page didn't work for me as well. But this is what I did. The box2d example works for me.

For installing box2d

First install swig, then:

$git clone https://github.com/pybox2d/pybox2d pybox2d_dev
$cd pybox2d_dev
$python setup.py build 
$sudo python setup.py install

For installing pygame

Install qt, pyside, mercurial, sdl Then,

$hg clone https://bitbucket.org/pygame/pygame
$cd pygame
$python setup.py build
$python setup.py install

Now try to run one of their examples.

$cd gps
$python python/gps/gps_main.py box2d_pointmass_example

Hope it helps.

cbfinn commented 8 years ago

Looks like you're using a Mac. The set-up instructions are meant for linux. I'm glad you got it working for you though.

mjm522 commented 8 years ago

Yeah this is for mac. :) Though it is for mac, for pygame installation and box2d installation, follow the above procedure i.e. directly building from source. I guess this will work for linux since, I also got the same error as Dong Li on my mac

dongleecsu commented 8 years ago

@mjm522 Thank you for your suggestions and it helps. @cbfinn I finally figured this problem out. This is exact what I did:

First, install pybox2d. Follow @mjm522 's step, I install pybox2d_dev (I have installed swig before):

$git clone https://github.com/pybox2d/pybox2d pybox2d_dev
$cd pybox2d_dev
$python setup.py build 
$sudo python setup.py install

At this time, I could import Box2D successfully.

Second, install pygame Follow pybox2d's github instruction: conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/kne pygame

For some unknown reasons, I must add sudo in order to go through the examples without error. Try some examples:

$cd gps
$sudo python python/gps/gps_main.py box2d_pointmass_example 
cbfinn commented 8 years ago

Ok, I'm glad you figured it out. I'm closing this issue now.

Avinash72 commented 6 years ago

Hi @dongleecsu I tried the steps that you've mentioned but I'm not able to get the Box2D up. I still get the error of

from ._conv import register_converters as _register_converters Using TensorFlow backend. Traceback (most recent call last): File "lunar_lander_dl_player.py", line 13, in import Box2D ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Box2D'

Could you help me wit this. Thanks in advance

TrAyZeN commented 6 years ago

Hello @Avinash72 I hope that it can still help you. You have to dowload Box2D and then build the lib following the instructions from https://github.com/erincatto/Box2D/blob/master/Building.md once you have done that you have a file called Box2D.lib located in Box2D-master/Build/bin/x86_64/Debug you have to copy this file and paste it in your-python-path/libs

EldhosePoulose commented 1 year ago

!pip3 install gym[box2d]