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Compile Error in mujoco setup #87

Closed junhyeokahn closed 7 years ago

junhyeokahn commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have compile error to setup mujoco as below,

error: ‘mjModel {aka struct _mjModel}’ has no member named ‘sensor_scale’
out["sensor_scale"] = toNdarray2<mjtNum>(m_model->sensor_scale, m_model->nsensor, 1);

error: ‘mjData {aka struct _mjData}’ has no member named ‘maxstackuse’
_cadihk(d, "sensor_scale", m_model->sensor_scale);

some thing like this. auto gen file has some version issue I guess.

I would appreciate if somebody help me :)

cbfinn commented 7 years ago

What version of mujoco are you using?

junhyeokahn commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I've tried with 140 and 131