cbhurley / ERSA

Exploratory Regression Shiny App
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CRAN Check Failure for Upcoming broom Release #1

Open simonpcouch opened 4 years ago

simonpcouch commented 4 years ago

Hi there! The broom dev team just ran reverse dependency checks on the upcoming broom 0.7.0 release and found new errors/test failures for the CRAN version of this package. I've pasted the results below, which seem to result from our decision to no longer export tidiers for summary() objects (for maintainability purposes.)

Please use the tidier methods implemented for the lm model object itself (i.e. tidy(lm(...)) rather than tidy(summary(lm(...)))).🙂

We hope to submit this new version of the package to CRAN in the coming weeks. If you encounter any problems fixing these issues, please feel free to reach out!

simonpcouch commented 4 years ago

Just checking in on this! Let us know if you'd appreciate support here.