cbib / MICADo

Looking for mutations in PacBio cancer data: an alignment-free method
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AttributeError: 'OutDegreeView' object has no attribute 'items' #23

Open mcortes-lopez opened 5 years ago

mcortes-lopez commented 5 years ago

I was running the example data set and I got this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "src/MICADo.py", line 186, in <module>
  File "src/MICADo.py", line 71, in process_sample
    g_patient.alteration_list_init(g_reference.dbg, kmer_length, min_support_percentage, max_len)
  File "/my/path/MICADo/src/patient_graph.py", line 150, in alteration_list_init
    end_tips_list = [key for key, v in self.dbgclean.out_degree().items() if
AttributeError: 'OutDegreeView' object has no attribute 'items'
JRudewicz commented 5 years ago

Hi, Which version of python and networkx are you using?

mcortes-lopez commented 5 years ago

Python 2.7.14 and Networkx 2.2

JRudewicz commented 5 years ago

Versions are ok. Could you send me the command line you run please?