IUCN WDPA database was rasterised using polygons only.
For future consideration (August 2013): Potentially also the point data should be included eg by creating buffers of right surface area before rasterising the data. 15 % of all protected areas do not have a polygon in WDPA. However, they cover only 4.3 % of all protected areas. (Numbers checked in ArcGIS from the gdb).
IUCN WDPA database was rasterised using polygons only.
For future consideration (August 2013): Potentially also the point data should be included eg by creating buffers of right surface area before rasterising the data. 15 % of all protected areas do not have a polygon in WDPA. However, they cover only 4.3 % of all protected areas. (Numbers checked in ArcGIS from the gdb).