cbitstech / Purple-Robot

Sensing and automation platform for Android.
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New capability: historical data-browsing #208

Open estory1 opened 10 years ago

estory1 commented 10 years ago

This feature suggestion is not driven by any current business demand; it's not at all urgent. I just think it could be cool and useful.

It's inspired by our boss' boss saying he couldn't access his old PR data because his phone's PR cache was cleared. Our boss offered to pull his data from the database. This seems needlessly complex and manual and loosely-integrated, from a UX perspective.

Currently, data-flow is one-way, from PR to PRI to PW. What if PR could query PW (likely via a web service) for historical data, e.g. for the purpose of displaying old location data? (or any other PR-supplied data)

This would enable PR to become, not just a data-collector, but also a data-browser, providing a user-friendly means of attaining full data transparency.

This would also make increased use of whatever web API we're building for dashboarding.

Admittedly, the complexity of this could warrant a separate app, but I imagine it could be built on some of the same codebase as PR, though...