Closed cbleek closed 5 years ago
@SJhumili showed us how to connect Swagger and Gitlab. And now we have a simple CRUD API. Thanks!
The API is defined by a YAML, which can be edited in Swagger.
What should the API be able to do?
lets start with the registration.
in #3 the idea comes up to only have one action for submitting a Link. Maybe we don't have to distinguish between "posting RSS feeds" and "posting job ads".
An authenticated user should be able to retrieve a list of job ads that he posted himself. An authenticated user should be able to retrieve a list of his own posted job ads I think these 2 statements are the same. What is difference between these?
As you can see in the swagger code I've added POST /job. But I couldn't define Job advertisement data format. I'd know about the data format that you want. I've also visited Google Job Posting and Your JobClassification repository. But I can't choose correct job advertisement data format there. Please tell me more about.
A user will only provide a Link. The API will take the Links and returns an OK, if the link could be saved.
A background process (has nothing to do with the API) will take stored links and try to fetch the content. If the content contains a json-ld like this example the job gets archived. If not, the job is discarded.
An anonymous user can registers. An email with a validation link is sent to the email address. The API then needs a
GET user/validateEmail with a token as parameter.
I would like to try out early how the server is implemented for the API. I want to see how this works with the code generator, and then decide which language to implement in. Where the code is stored, etc.
Ok, I should create POST/addlink api to store job link. So you mean, you are going to make job dataset from this link in backend process? Like this? Job{ Organization{ ... } JobPosting{ ... } PropertyValue{ ... } }
my understanding: So with Post /addlink user should be able to submit job or rss link and the backend will save this link. And also backend will make process with this link and make job dataset and archive. If there is no json-Id in link content, this link will be discarded. And when user call Get/ joblists ,user should be able to receive job lists in above format.
Please confirm my understanding.
So with Post /addlink user should be able to submit job or rss link and the backend will save this link. And also backend will make process with this link and make job dataset and archive. If there is no json-Id in link content, this link will be discarded.
And when user call Get/ joblists ,user should be able to receive job lists in above format.
no. lets call it
GET /listlinks which lists the links posted by the user.
All apis should include user’s access-token, So that server realize that user is authenticated or unauthenticated I’ll fix some apis and create new api. I think this will take 10~15hours. Which authorization do you prefer use? I recommend bearer auth using jwt token
Please provide any advice to improve my plan.
just go for it.
Please check my submits and provide any advice to what should I do anymore.
Travis fails. Is it because of a missing dependency?
Lint error:
1) #/security Could not dereference securityScheme bearerAuth
npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.
The command "npm test" exited with 1.
Please check it again.
But Travis fill fails. I've googled and found.
It looks like you're mixing OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0:
is from 2.0, buttype: http
,scheme: bearer
, andbearerFormat: JWT
are from 3.0.All API definitions need to declare their version with either a
swagger: "2.0
oropenapi: "3.0.0"
at the top level of the definition, and follow only the syntax for that version.
Check it. I've just fixed.
looks goog. So it was only a typo.
What language we should use to implement a server for this API?
Yeah. :)
I recommend nodejs
I've no experiences with this, but it sounds good.
What would you recommend as storage?
We can use Firebase or AWS S3.
this sounds good too, because I don't have to setup a database. So let's start a server who implements the API usind nodes storing data in a firebase.
Lets do it in a new Project
I've created
Let's start with an API. Swagger seems useful to me.
The API should be able to do the following:
A user should be able to register. A validated email is sufficient to send jobs.
A user should be able to delete his data
A user should be able to change his or her data
We should take Google as a model for the design of the API.
In the first step it should be possible to create a feed with many jobs or post a single job. Also it should be possible to get current jobs via API