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Removing the allowlist and replacing with admin-generated invite codes #75

Open cblgh opened 2 weeks ago

cblgh commented 2 weeks ago

the allowlist functionality originally existed to populate the merveilles forum using pre-authorized domains where merv-adjacent people could be found. this was in the form of 1) the merveilles town mastodon instance, and 2) xxiivv webring denizens.

users of the mastodon instance were encouraged to temporarily put the signup-generated redemption code into their profile information, which would then be scraped. however, mastodon has gone away from providing static html in preference of dynamic, javascript rendered html rendering option 1) obsolete. as the forum is mostly populated now, and there is the possibility to request invites from known admin users, i don't feel like the allowlist functionality has relevancy anymore

wdy @decentral1se, will pmc use this functionality?

a more modular replacement could instead be:

1) admins can create invite codes. an invite code is a static string which can be redeemed by users in the registration flow. an invite code may have a pre-specified number of uses. 2) pinned threads.

combining these two we can achieve the following: a private and pinned thread that is posted by an admin and, by way of edits, contains the latest invite code could act as a simple member-based invite system.

thoughts welcome :]

decentral1se commented 2 weeks ago

From what I remember, we won't be using the allowlist verification, no. We'll go with something like "drop us a mail if you find this interesting" + template of what to send on as the moderation "front line". Then either manually make accounts or yeh, send an invite code for sign up!

Could be handy to just go for a "single manually generated invite code" replace for the verification functionality? And see where it goes from there?

Like the pinned threads idea but seems optional for the core of this issue.