while we keep the philosophy, rationale and reasoning contained in https://github.com/cblgh/cerca/issues/94, i wanted to put down some thoughts that i've had in the meantime since being sniped by @decentral1se.
the following contains a rough list of possible requirements for a speculative (!) image uploading functionality. if implemented, some of these may not be needed. regardless, it is easy for me in the current moment to share the context i've got built up in the event that it does become relevant. here we go!
resize file to predetermined max size
clearly communicate limits and that images will be resized
communicate and show to users the amount of file storage taken up by them
trim exif data
keep image rotational/orientation data intact
(android) jpeg uploads
(android, possibly) webp uploads
(ios) HEIF uploads
png uploads
svg uploads
current total capacity taken up by uploads, and display it
all recently uploaded photos as a moderation precaution, and easily display it
file uploads to xxxx <unit>bytes
amount of uploads per user to yyy files / bytes
total amount of database space for media to zzz bytes
possibility of abuse uploaded in an image and how to systemically discourage, act on, and remove it.
impact on general posting and ad-hoc admin censoring as a result of this new piecemeal capability
javascript-free flow for uploading images, getting a referenced back, then using it somewhere in the post contents
the impact of people using cerca as a free image host by uploading images and then not referencing them in a post
config toggle to enable / disable media uploads
ability to restrict uploads to public only posts to limit spread of abuse material
separating the image database from the core cerca database
referencing the image database from a separate machine than is hosting the core cerca database
using simple files in a folder as the image database
while we keep the philosophy, rationale and reasoning contained in https://github.com/cblgh/cerca/issues/94, i wanted to put down some thoughts that i've had in the meantime since being sniped by @decentral1se.
the following contains a rough list of possible requirements for a speculative (!) image uploading functionality. if implemented, some of these may not be needed. regardless, it is easy for me in the current moment to share the context i've got built up in the event that it does become relevant. here we go!