Open lambtor opened 4 years ago
This can be ignored. I've managed to convert font files successfully after discovering a known issue with GLCD font creator requiring windows XP compatibility mode to write .lcd files. Cannot get the ST7789_HelloWorld.ino to display anything with Arduino_SST7789_Fast.h . SCK is IDE pin 24 and MOSI is IDE pin 23. Unsure if this would need to be debugged in Adafruit_GFX library or elsewhere, as there seems to be no way to change these two pin definitions outside of the library.
Arduino_SST7789_Fast is optimized for AVR. Are sure your board is Arduino Uno/Mini/Nano compatible?
Any recommendations for converting a TTF to pbm? I have not had much luck with netpbm documentation for converting from ttf, svg, or any other modern font format into a file format netpbm can understand.