Is a type of unit.
Add two new fields: beam (boolean), purpose (str).
Beams are treated the same as unit in the store. However, they are rendered specially, maybe with a special color, and the purpose should be displayed.
When creating a unit, can choose whether it is a beam. Thus, modify add_unit from add_unit(board_id, text) to add_unit(board_id, text, beam=False, beam_purpose=None).
Is a type of unit. Add two new fields:
).Beams are treated the same as unit in the store. However, they are rendered specially, maybe with a special color, and the purpose should be displayed.
When creating a unit, can choose whether it is a beam. Thus, modify
fromadd_unit(board_id, text)
toadd_unit(board_id, text, beam=False, beam_purpose=None)