cbrooker / MMM-Todoist

This is an extension for the MagicMirror2 platform. It will display your Todoist todos on your MagicMirror.
MIT License
151 stars 58 forks source link

Sorting by Priority #84

Open imcro opened 3 years ago

imcro commented 3 years ago

Wonder if anyone can help as i've been trying with no luck to get this running.

I'm looking at trying to sort by priority using the PriorityIndicatorCell on the left side columns and by its date based on the priority. Having the oldest Priorty1 at the top of the page and the next Priority 1 underneath it, working my way down Priority 2 then to Priority 3. Any help would be appreciated.

cheers imcro

imcro commented 3 years ago

I should have added this to give you guy's an idea where I'm at, plus what I'm trying to do. I can get the priority's to come up in order just not by due date. That's where the issues is.
