cbrun / baseliner

Tool to enrich MANIFEST.MF's export packages with computed versions
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Wrong plugin version set by the baseliner #5

Open mPorhel opened 9 years ago

mPorhel commented 9 years ago

Steps to reproduce with the Git repository of Sirius: . Eclipse Luna SR2 as IDE . Set sirius_tests_mars.targetplatform as target platform . Check the baseline: it should target Sirius 3.0.0

The baseliner set the plugin version of org.eclipse.sirius.eef.adapters to 4.0.0 (instead of 3.1.0) but for the moment I do not see any justification of this change: . the exported packages are still in 2.0.4 or 3.0.0 . the api-changes.html is emty

cbrun commented 9 years ago

My host IDE is Mars. The jar picked up as a baseline is : XXX/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/.bundle_pool/plugins/org.eclipse.sirius.eef.adapters_3.0.0.201506090807.jar

Without setting any specific targetplatform (hence the tp is my current eclipse) I can't reproduce the "upgrade to 4.0.0".

After setting the sirius_tests_mars.targetplatform there is no upgrade of the bundle version neither, and looking at the code, in PluginBaseliner.java l135 :

Version bundleVersionToSet = manifestHandler.getHighestExportedVersion();

and looking at fr.obeo.baseliner.ManifestRewriter.getHighestExportedVersion() it is not obvious to me how that could happen without at least one package with a 4.0.0 version

mPorhel commented 9 years ago


After an eclipse -clean start, git reset --hard and git clean -dfx, workspace refreshn, clean and full build. I do not see the error anymore if I have only the Sirius plugins and features in my workspace nor when I add all my other projects.