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rewrote the auto-translation for cbsd_additional.html #8

Closed miker closed 6 years ago

miker commented 6 years ago


Here is my next update. Have 8 TODOs in this one. There are a few things that I need clarified, and a couple times where the auto-translation made no sense.

Here are the TODOs copied out of the source. Let me know what you think.


TODO: 1 Should this be linked to

TODO: 2 The following was also included "and graphic environmet" I wasn't 100% what was meant here. Are we saying that a jail can also run a graphical environment, that it can be installed in a graphical environment? Once clarified, it can be added back in, or we can leave it out.

TODO: 3 The original description of $jname was "Name some jails, participate in the example. I know $jail refers to a jail name, but wasn't sure if there was a better way to say it. I am also not sure what the translation "participate in the example" means.

TODO: 4 I don't understand the "loss of CBSD funcionality." part. Does this mean you will lose any modifications made to jail.conf? I think it's trying to say that this command is run to generate jail.conf, if it's run again at a later date, it would be like creating a brand new jail, hence losing any changes. If I don't have this right, please let me know.

TODO: 5 Original sentence: So be careful and make sure to follow your rules IPFW after a specified range.

I'm not quite sure what this is trying to say. I have a vague idea what it's trying to say, somethig to the effect of "make sure your rules make sense, and don't interfere with other rulesets.

TODO: 6 This is that same sentence again; So be careful and make sure to follow your rules IPFW after a specified range. Will modify this according to what we figure out above.

TODO: 7 Please review the above section about rsync/cbsdrsyncd for accuracy. I'm not 100% how to phrase the part about rsync "transmitting data through the daemon" I think the part about disabling port 1873/tcp could be reworded a bit better as well.

TODO: 8 This is the original text that the Restoring a backup was written from. I'm not sure what "you will need to file" actaully means. I wrote the above like it meant "restore these files"

<p>If you restore jail from backup, you will need to file ${workdir}/jails-system/${jname}/rc.conf_${jname} -after return back jails-data and jails-fstab directories for this jail to $workdir directory structure, copy this rc.conf_${jname} in  ${workdir}/jails-rcconf/ directory — then, at the command</p>
<pre class="brush:bash;ruler:true;">
    % cbsd jls
<p>Jail will appear in the list whit status Unregister. At the command</p>
<pre class="brush:bash;ruler:true;">
    % cbsd jregister jname=$jname
<p>you return jail  into a common pool and working condition.</p>
olevole commented 6 years ago

It's just gorgeous! Thank you for your work!

miker commented 6 years ago

No problem, glad you like it! :) Just have the todos in the comments to fix, and that page should be done.

olevole commented 6 years ago

Ok, I'm on the keyboard finally;)

Should this be linked to

No, this link useful but not related to the nearest phrase. Here we are talking about the CBSD hierarchy which is described below: We can add: "see below". However, it is probably best to delete the phrase ( It will also be useful to understand how the filesystem hierarchy is laid out in CBSD ) at all since all info on this page. I'm for deleting ;)

The following was also included "and graphic environmet" I wasn't 100% what
was meant here. Are we saying that a jail can also run a graphical environment,
that it can be installed in a graphical environment? Once clarified, it can
be added back in, or we can leave it out.

Yes, here we are talking about the fact that in the jail environment we can any graphical application. For example we can run XServer/VNCServer in the jail connect to it. Or we can run single application from jail environment with Xforwarding, e.g: firefox -display=REMOTEADD:PORT Or we can run xjails (Xorg inside jail: ). I tried to summarize this with one sentence, showing that not only server components can use jail

The original description of $jname was "Name some jails, participate in the example.
I know $jail refers to a jail name, but wasn't sure if there was a better way to
say it. I am also not sure what the translation "participate in the example" means.

This should sound like "the name of your jail"

I don't understand the "loss of CBSD funcionality." part. Does this mean
you will lose any modifications made to jail.conf? I think it's trying to say 
that this command is run to generate jail.conf, if it's run again at a later 
date, it would be like creating a brand new jail, hence losing any changes. 
If I don't have this right, please let me know. 

Oops, this information is out of date anyway ;). I deleted this phrase, the jmkrcconf is no longer of interest to the user.

Original sentence: So be careful and make sure to follow your rules IPFW after a specified range.

don't interfere with other rulesets

Exactly! If a user uses his own custom IPFW rules, he should not use this range and put rules after this range ( in the sample, after 2000 ). This range for CBSD and if user add rules in between 99 and 2000, e.g:

ipfw add 1000 deny tcp from any to me 900

at some point in time this rule can be deleted by CBSD. But CBSD do not interfere with rules outside this range.


The same as TODO 5

Please review the above section about rsync/cbsdrsyncd for accuracy.
I'm not 100% how to phrase the part about rsync "transmitting data through
the daemon" I think the part about disabling port 1873/tcp could be reworded
a bit better as well.

Yes, we can write this much more briefly, something like:

"CBSD transmits data through the rsync daemon via 1873/tcp port. Please secure this port from any traffic except remote CBSD or use encrypted communiction between the nodes using something like IPSec. "

instead of "As of right now, CBSD transmits rsync data through the rsync daemon, rather than rsync over ssh. This avoids allowing open access for the root user. It is also recommended to close the port 1873/tcp which allows access to CBSD from untrusted hosts and is used to seperate out the management interface for the node IP, or use encrypted communiction between the nodes using something like IPSec. "

This is the original text that the Restoring a backup was written from. I'm
not sure what "you will need to file" actaully means. I wrote the above
like it meant "restore these files"

Again, here was already outdated information. I deleted the excess sentence!

Thank you very much!

miker commented 6 years ago

I'm not at a computer at the moment. When I am, I'll go through all of these again to see what's left to do. All in all looks like I did fairly well on this rewrite. The few things that didn't make sense was outdated info anyway.