Open n-connect opened 6 months ago
Is there any debug.log capability in either xigmajail or in CBSD so I can trace what happens with the original vnc_port
@n-connect I can confidently say that the vnc_port2
file is not served by the CBSD. At least, I do not remember (and did not find) that this file is controlled by the CBSD.
Moreover, it is very strange that you see this file in the jail container catalog. This file refers to virtual machines.
It is quite difficult for me to test some things with Xigma at the moment, because I am limited by the presence of equipment (Two of my production XigmaNAS instance are now far from me).
I tried to double -check the jails terminal (via ttyd
) operation on a clean fresh system (virtual machine) and it works for me.
I apologize for this form of demonstration, but I decided to show all the way, starting with the installation of Xigma:
part 1, installation + partition: ( My clumsy attempts to create ZFS pool for data for some reason failed, so I created the UFS )
part 2, CBSD jail extension: ( There is a certain issue associated with the routing of my workstation, where I launched a virtual machine. So in a demo, the container did not have Internet access for pkg bootstrap
. Also, I noticed the problem that the container did not initiate the IP address (aliases ) at the first start - this needs to be investigated. Nevertheless, I wanted to check only the graphic terminal and it seems to be a complete order with it. )
Thank you for the video output and check. Based on that, it seems with the UFS formatted data
disk there is no issue with 3rd level of directories used for CBSD framework files (/mnt/mnt
were the "dir" value in the plugin's ). So /mnt/mnt/cbsd/*` must be CBSD content. -> This was the first problem at #1
Based on your video, I'll recheck the first , original issue, now I have the feeling my first try making ZFS data disk over XigmaNAS' webUI was a wrong halfway somehow and be the root cause CBSD can't put its own files under "/mnt/data/cbsd/*". I need to find some reference how on Earth XigmaNAS people thought the ZFS format / vdev / mount process should be done sucessfully over their webUI :D
Please do a reboot and check again the two jails you have created if they are able to run/you can log into them -> that was the 2nd issue, this one #2 - (after I did made my ZFS formatted data disk mounted under /data)
About the XigmaNAS's ZFS format/vdev/mount, as I wrote at #1 , I could not make the ZFS data disk over XigmaNAS webui too :D - turned to SSH and with two commands it can be done:
Optional: remove the existing UFS partition, but only if you still have it
gpart destroy -F /dev/vtbd1
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/vtbd1 bs=512 count=8192
gpart create -s gpt /dev/vtbd1
gpart add -a 1m -t freebsd-zfs -i 1 -l 'data'
The only two commands needed if you have fresh data disk, quoted from my previous comment at #1 , disk device adapted based on your YT video.
zpool create -f -O compress=zstd data /dev/vtbp1
(-f to overwrite the previously created vdev over the buggy Disks/ZFS/Pool/Virtual Devises webui)zfs set mountpoint=/data data
- the created zpool and its mount works, but the Disks/ZFS/Pools not showing the vdev/pool etc. Only the "configuration" has correct data: but for zroot and data pools too. It must be some XigmaNAS bug. From now on Truenas CORE and its webui looks better for me, by the way.
Last note: I'm doing these test on a Fujitsu Futro s920/s930 available from €20 on the eBay link for example.
As I wrote back in the #1, using a fresh install the jail creation over webUI works. Jail settings editing works, after reboot the connected jail start.
But I can not "login" via the browser based terminal (backed with ttyd). It always asks for passwords in the browser. Here are the out put for processes, (fresh XigmaNAS install, still using the default user/pw yet):
root 15440 0.0 0.1 40744 21568 - Ss 16:04 0:00.02 |-- ttyd -o -m 1 -t titleFixed=jail:jail1 -c 1c76b3fddbe68a9dabebdeb79713fece:1c76b3fddbe68a9dabebdeb79713fece --writable -p 7681 /usr/sbin/jexec
Decoding the -c parameter give back some garbage, even the newline disappears:
bash-3.2$ echo "1c76b3fddbe68a9dabebdeb79713fece" | base64 -D
The "cbsd expose" has 3 times the redirect rule from some reasons :D
cbsd expose
Expose for jail1:
3000 -> 22 (inaddr=0 -> tcp)
3000 -> 22 (inaddr=0 -> tcp)
3000 -> 22 (inaddr=0 -> tcp)
So, now its reduced to the webUI console login issue. Should I rename the issue?
Thanks for the details. It is not necessary to rename - all the information here is described. As soon as I get access to Xigma, I will definitely check it
Good news :D
ps auxd
gives a Reconnecting ttyd window. So its only not working in Safari, needs some research whatis the reason...
xigmanas: /# cbsd jstart
List of offline jail
a .. jail2 on local
Default NIC automatically selected: cbsd0 Set CPU limit jail2: 1 set resource limit: [ vmemoryuse:deny=128 ] jail renice: 1 Starting jail: jail2, parallel timeout=5 jail2: created morepages: cannot mmap anonymous memory: Cannot allocate memory morepages: cannot mmap anonymous memory: Cannot allocate memory Out of memory jail: jail2: /bin/sh /etc/rc: failed jail2: removed Execute master script: :: /data/cbsd/jails-system/jail2/master_poststart.d/ head: /data/cbsd/jails-system/jail2/vnc_port: No such file or directory expose warning: port already in use on tcp/3000 expose: fw_expose_add error: 1 jstart done in 3 seconds
Editing the properties of the very same jail `jail2`, the form do not shows the current values (1 cpu, 128Mb RAM), but the unlimited values. Plus can't change the vaules, either to unlimited or to another limit value (tested in Chrome)
3. Beside the vncport problem, the cbsd expose on the 2nd jail (jail2) can't add again port 3000 for SSH (port 22) redirect. Connected starter variable is at cbsd_manager_config.php line 216, `cbsd_rdr`
Some screenshots for the end with the same numbers up:
1. Ttyd works in Chrome
![Chrome jail properties 2024-06-10 at 09 01 47](
Does not in Safari
![Safari does no work 2024-06-10 at 08 15 34](
2. Mem limited jail2
![FF jails 2024-06-10 at 08 50 46](
Cbsd jstart for jail2 in CLI
![jstart failed vnc_port and expose port 3000 2024-06-10 at 09 03 17](
3. Multiple port 3000 redirects for jail1 (4 pieces), jail2 can't have its own redirect, tries the same port (3000), I guess the port number in PHP needs and increment logic for external port numbers.
![cbsd expose 2024-06-10 at 09 10 56](
@n-connect Thanks for updating/info! I'm not ignoring you, unfortunately I don't have a XigmaNAS+CBSD right now ;-)
I currently have two XigmaNAS instances (without CBSD/jail/bhyve) in different cities/location. I understand that using virtual machines or running containers on NAS instances is not always a popular solution (even from the point of view of NAS developers). However, I don't like any resources being idle (CPU and memory - I have quite powerful hardware)
Running applications and virtual machines on NAS is a nice hyperconverged solution ( especially for home use when you are limited in space and want to save electricity ) that doesn't require you to install another hypervisor next to NAS.
Due to the fact that I have two NAS and they are not directly accessible from the Internet, it is not very convenient for me to access virtual environments, so before I return to development CBSD extenstion for Xigma NAS, I would like to implement some kind of router (service) on the Internet, through which I can connect my virtual environments from NAS appliance.
CBSD already supports API (+broker), In addition, a graphical QT6-based application for CBSD will be published soon, which will be available on all OS (MacOS, Linux, Windows, BSD) and mobile devices (tested on Android), demo:
Thus, I see the use of the CBSD XigmaNAS plugin + NAS for myself as follows (in addition to local use, as is done now):
Also, I was interested in this issue on the XigmaNAS forum, but so far no interest from the Xigma developers:
For this reason (need to investigate before returning to development of the extension) I am currently delaying work on finalizing the extension, but I take your comments into account and really appreciate them ;-)
maybe there is some problem with ttyd + Safari ( ), have you tried the Safari + ttyd
without Xigma and cbsd? it is accessible from FreeBSD ports: /usr/ports/sysutils/ttyd
Will check the ttyd vs Safari at the weekend, thanks.
Your network landscape drawing pretty much the same idea I had (after you I guess), but I weren't tried the the API yet, not used the multinode capabilities of CBSD. I'll need to check them. From another angle, calling them a NAS it just a title we refer to it, it can be anything FreeBSD can provide. I need to be active on XigmaNAS forum to get know better their install type/logic/limitations.
What's the best link to check-out/using the CBSD API? The BSDstore web page seems sometimes outdated. Got your best answer in a CBSD bhyve/network topic at the main freebsd forum for example :)
I saw you are stretched thin with a lot of parallel development directions, seeing the patreon as well. Seen how the QT client works, will try once you release it.
So, I'll take this thread easy than, replace Xigma with with a vanilla Freebsd 14/14.1 and finish the host pf stuff integration on that for CBSD.
Is there any direct way to communicate with you, maybe talk/chat IRC whatever, not public like here? There are some questions around CBSD I'd like to ask in general, or the direction. Also ran into some interesting parts (missing ZFS jailed property in running jails, compared to iocage for example), where I'm not sure if I made something wrong so maybe a quick talk would help.
The fastest and painless way to get acquainted with the CBSD API - just download & install (on bare metal if you want to run bhyve) MyBee
1) -> download
2) install MyBee (in fact it is FreeBSD + CBSD + API, without any modifications)
3) to test via curl
, e.g. debian12.json
"imgsize": "20g",
"ram": "1g",
"cpus": 2,
"image": "debian12",
"pubkey": "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPY9ozA89YZMGT9ZCZX3oZImqt+a0FO9qQmJA+1O7YU6 cloud_ssh-ed25519_cloud@localhost"
where pubkey
is your ED25519/RSA ssh PUBKEY
or payload for jail:
"image": "jail",
"imgsize": "10g",
"pubkey": "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPY9ozA89YZMGT9ZCZX3oZImqt+a0FO9qQmJA+1O7YU6 cloud_ssh-ed25519_cloud@localhost"
Submit request:
curl --no-progress-meter -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @debian12.json http://MyBEE-instance/api/v1/create/vm1
If you use Telegram IM, welcome to (Telegram CBSD group) or ping me at
Otherwise, I'm always available by email: olevole at
Hi @olevole
There's some hickups over xigmajail created jails. At first they do start & run plus provide the web based terminal via
with the -c parameter.After a reboot they won't start, it seems the reason beding the vnc_port file got lost (?) and a second file created as `vnc_port2
Listed in the other issue already, the
cbsd jcounstruct-tui
fails to run due to missing binary, you can check it in #1I guess, there were some key changes with the release 13.3.05 :)