Open processIT-MarK opened 1 week ago
Here is a udpated function, it seems that my update does not go throught at
Let ( [
_alphanum = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" ;
_email = Trim (_email ) ;
_posAt = Position ( _email; "@" ; 1 ; 1 );
dotPosition = Position(_email; "."; _posAt; 1);
tldLength = Length(_email) - dotPosition;
result = Filter ( _email ; _alphanum & "_-@.!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~" ) = _email // There are no invalid characters.
and PatternCount ( _email ; "@" ) = 1 // There is only one @ symbol.
and Length ( Filter ( Left ( _email ; 1 )
& Middle ( _email ; _posAt - 1 ; 3 )
& Right ( _email ; 1 ) ; _alphaNum ) ) = 4 // First and last character are alphanumeric.
and not PatternCount ( _email ; ".." )
and Position ( _email ; "." ; _posAt + 2 ; 1 ) and
//Check TLD lengt, minumum 2 characters
_posAt > 1 and
dotPosition > _posAt + 1 and
tldLength ≥ 2
] ;
Thanks for sharing fm_mailchip. I have noticed that you are using CF to check the email (mcpriv - validate email -, which (funny fact) I asked in 2018 to update regarding TLD (characters after the last dot - needs to has at least 2 characters).
Can you take into consideration updating the function (I already posted the solution in CF 972), or maybe use another function that covers this functionality? (