cbucher / console

This is a modified version of Console 2 for a better experience under Windows Vista/7/8/10 and a better visual rendering.
GNU General Public License v2.0
2.93k stars 231 forks source link

Windows 11 Terminal in Background #547

Open dpkristensen opened 1 year ago

dpkristensen commented 1 year ago

I was recently forced to upgrade to Windows 11, and it now opens all console applications in Terminal. This is a tabbed console app similar in functionality to Console 2, but I would like to keep using Console 2.

I found that in Terminal, changing the Settings->Startup->Default Terminal Application from "Let Windows Decide" to "Windows Console Host" will make it go away.

Consider this a feature request to perhaps detect if this setting is not Windows Console Host, and then change the setting when detected.

Expected Behavior

Console2 opened by itself.

Actual Behavior

Windows Terminal opens in background

Steps to reproduce

  1. Have Windows 11
  2. Open Console2

Diagnostic Report

When reporting a bug you must provide a diagnostic report. If you are not able to create a diagnostic report, explain why. Privacy is not a valid explanation! The report is human readable and private data can be masked.

ConsoleZ aero amd64
Windows 10 (64 bits) [10.0.22621]
is elevated? no
UAC prefix "Administrator: "
Tab (active): cmd-64
  View (active): 1. cmd-64
  is elevated? no
  input code page 437
  output code page 437
  Windows console font
font index: 0
face name: Consolas
font familly: 4 DONTCARE true type
font weight: 0
font size: width=0 height=16
max window size: cols=80 rows=30
  ConsoleZ font
GetFontLanguageInfo returns 262144.
The font contains extra glyphs not normally accessible using the code page.

Monitors 2
+ Flags 1  primary
  DeviceID \\?\DISPLAY#ACI23A2#7&341f587f&0&UID512#{e6f07b5f-ee97-4a90-b076-33f57bf4eaa7}
  DeviceKey \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0001
  DeviceName \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0
  DeviceString Generic PnP Monitor
  StateFlags 3
  Rect (0,0)x(1920,1080)
  Work (0,0)x(1920,1032)
  DPI (per monitor: yes) X=96 Y=96
+ Flags 0
  DeviceID \\?\DISPLAY#ACI23A2#7&341f587f&0&UID516#{e6f07b5f-ee97-4a90-b076-33f57bf4eaa7}
  DeviceKey \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0002
  DeviceName \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor0
  DeviceString Generic PnP Monitor
  StateFlags 3
  Rect (1920,0)x(3840,1080)
  Work (1920,0)x(3840,1080)
  DPI (per monitor: yes) X=96 Y=96
System dpi 96
System metrics
  SM_CXSMICON        16
  SM_CYSMICON        16
  SM_CXICON          32
  SM_CYICON          32
Settings file C:\Users\dkristensen\AppData\Roaming\Console\console.xml
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Crash Report


dpkristensen commented 1 year ago

For additional reference, the setting is also available through the "Developer" menu in Windows Settings. I can find the handler here:


But there's no indication of its value; must be stored somewhere else, but I am not familiar with how this API works.

DerellLicht commented 1 year ago

I found that in Terminal, changing the Settings->Startup->Default Terminal Application from "Let Windows Decide" to "Windows Console Host" will make it go away.

Thank you, @dpkristensen , I had the same experience (of course), and this fix worked beautifully!! Thank you for figuring it out, I wouldn't have had a clue where to start!