On the branch feature-triangle, currently at bbdc4ce4e852ff7c50cadcc483b2750361bc8161, there is code to generate a conforming triangle (2D) or tetrahedron (3D) mesh from an existing p4est. While the forest is non-conforming adaptive, the export connects simplices at their corners only. The corners are considered owned or shared nodes in the sense of p4est_lnodes.h, and the simplex export is in p4est_tnodes.h. There is still a lot of temporary/debugging code in that file, which is all subject to change.
This is a public alpha release, and the preprint will be coming out soon. Presently, we are looking for feedback on
the design of the data structure p4est_tnodes and its usability,
correctness of the data that we populate by p4est_tnodes_new_Q2_P1,
correctness of the VTK output (please see example/mesh/tnodes2.c).
To put the whole meshing pipeline together including adaptation and data transfer between meshes before/after adaptation/partitioning, there is a bit more code to write, which we will discuss separately.
On the branch feature-triangle, currently at bbdc4ce4e852ff7c50cadcc483b2750361bc8161, there is code to generate a conforming triangle (2D) or tetrahedron (3D) mesh from an existing p4est. While the forest is non-conforming adaptive, the export connects simplices at their corners only. The corners are considered owned or shared nodes in the sense of p4est_lnodes.h, and the simplex export is in p4est_tnodes.h. There is still a lot of temporary/debugging code in that file, which is all subject to change.
This is a public alpha release, and the preprint will be coming out soon. Presently, we are looking for feedback on
To put the whole meshing pipeline together including adaptation and data transfer between meshes before/after adaptation/partitioning, there is a bit more code to write, which we will discuss separately.
Any feedback will be greatly apprecitated!