cbws / etcd-operator

etcd operator creates/configures/manages etcd clusters atop Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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Instructions to deploy cbws / etcd-operator #59

Open turkenh opened 4 years ago

turkenh commented 4 years ago

First of all, thanks a lot for maintaining etcd-operator 🎉

I already see a lot of improvements compared to original repo and want to switch using this one. However, I couldn't find instruction for installation. Existing instructions seems to still installing coreos/etcd-operator.

I am especially interested in deploying via helm chart and noticed that existing chart accepts operator image as parameter, however, how can we ensure that deployment templates are still compatible?

nvtkaszpir commented 4 years ago

Just use official helm chart from stable/etcd-operator and feed it with custom values file with modified images, such as:

  priorityClassName: ""
  name: etcd-operator
  replicaCount: 1
    repository: cbws/etcd-operator
    tag: v0.10.0
    pullPolicy: Always

Same for backup and restore operators.

Alo it is better to add CRD and then etcd CR as separate helm charts.

notice: we experience etcd cluster wipeout when using stable/etcd-operator helm chart (investigating why it wipes clusters....)