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Issue from QA: MCEDT and HCV issues #111

Closed kateyang1998 closed 1 month ago

kateyang1998 commented 2 months ago

The original error from Magenta QA: NoClassDefFound error - this error was caused by the incompatibility of the ebs-client version. We modified the ebs-client source code and implemented the core classes into the OSCAR source code to solve the error.

The error "org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapFault: An error was discovered processing the header" caused due to algorithm RSA1.5 being unsupported by the WSS4J 2.2.0 because of its security risk. This caused the header parsing error. We had to manually insert a line of code into the to enable the algorithm RSA1.5.

The download function works after bypassing the security header validation - customized the WSS4J interceptor to catch the error.

kateyang1998 commented 2 months ago

= Update =

All the errors were solved.

The last error we encountered - " The signature or decryption was invalid", which caused when downloading the file was solved after adding the below properties into in the newWSSInInterceptorConfiguration function:

Now, we're working on the MCEDT and HCV tests. There are 7 test cases in MCEDT tests encountering errors due to failing to pass the id with string type (the parameter type was set as ), and there are 18 test cases in HCV tests skipped due to those likely requests the online environment to run the test cases. We need to modify those test cases if we don't want to skip or fail any of them, or we have to leave them being skipped for now (TBD).

kateyang1998 commented 2 months ago

= Final Update =

Leave the 25 test cases to Deval at this point.