cc-routing / routing

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Fix end of the path #10

Closed blahami2 closed 8 years ago

blahami2 commented 8 years ago

blahami2 commented 8 years ago

Even in the opposite direction

blahami2 commented 8 years ago

SELECT, e.is_forward, e.source_id, e.target_id, e2.is_paid, e2.length , e2.speed_fw, e2.speed_bw , ST_Length(ST_Line_Substring(e2.geom, 0, ST_Line_Locate_Point(e2.geom, e2.point)), 1) AS keyDistanceFromStart , ST_Length(ST_Line_Substring(e2.geom, ST_Line_Locate_Point(e2.geom, e2.point),1), 1) AS keyDistanceToEnd FROM edges e JOIN ( SELECT ed.*, x.point FROM edges_data ed JOIN (select " + pointString + " AS point) AS x ON 1 = 1 WHERE ed.ROWID IN( SELECT ROWID FROM SpatialIndex WHERE f_table_name = 'edges_data' AND search_frame = BuildCircleMbr(15.8916358, 50.20177 , 50 ,4326) )
ORDER BY Distance( ed.geom, x.point) LIMIT 1 ) AS e2 ON e.data_id =

returns null for distances, the point is approximately in the middle of the edge

blahami2 commented 8 years ago

Fixed with the issue #11