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Crafting tables put into turtle GUI do not immediately create turtle.craft #1504

Open Kan18 opened 1 year ago

Kan18 commented 1 year ago

Minecraft Version



1.105.0 - latest SwitchCraft version (cc-tweaked-1.20.1-fabric-1.105.0-ebaf49508f5147ac4169c915dfcd964f7dd946b8)



If a turtle is booted up without a crafting table attached, and then a crafting table is put into its upgrade slots via the GUI, the turtle API will still have a nil value of turtle.craft, resulting in the need to reboot the turtle to recreate the function.

This seems to be because the turtle ROM API, which is responsible for adding the turtle.craft function, only checks for the presence of the crafting table whenever equipLeft or equipRight is called. Using the GUI upgrade slot bypasses this check, however.

A few solutions I was thinking of:

SquidDev commented 1 year ago

A secret fifth option:

dimaguy commented 1 year ago

Yet another secret sixth option, allow turtle.craft() with a 2x2 grid, and have the workbench extend it to 3x3, like how it is with players.

Deprecating turtle.craft sounds like a good idea though

Lemmmy commented 1 year ago

Yet another secret sixth option, allow turtle.craft() with a 2x2 grid

Changing gameplay mechanics doesn't fix this bug

dimaguy commented 1 year ago

Yet another secret sixth option, allow turtle.craft() with a 2x2 grid

Changing gameplay mechanics doesn't fix this bug

You're right, it doesn't. I was merely giving out a suggestion giving this part of the code is being revisited