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Fluid generic api is not available on Fabric #1822

Open PalTheTaur opened 1 month ago

PalTheTaur commented 1 month ago

Minecraft Version





Testing with create, CC:Tweaked, and fabric api, no other mods.


just placing a tank, filling with water, and calling the peripherals program shows none, and then doing further testing with stuff like and peripheral.wrap also return nil.

SquidDev commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the report!

Yeah, unfortunately neither the fluid or energy storage APIs are available on Fabric right now. The current interface was very much designed around Forge's interface(s) and makes it tricky to adapt to Fabric.

It's something I want to improve, but not quite sure the best way to do it yet.

SirEdvin commented 1 month ago

Do you mean the problem with units?

@PalTheTaur you can use UnlimitedPeripheralWorks to get a fluid and energy peripherals for Fabric :)