cc-tweaked / CC-Tweaked

Just another ComputerCraft fork
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/computercraft give #1864

Closed tizu69 closed 2 weeks ago

tizu69 commented 2 weeks ago

A command that gives the user a computer with a specificed ID and type.

/computercraft give <id> [type ?? computercraft:computer_normal] ID is the computer ID, not instance ID.

While this is possible without a command like this, it's a pain to remember how to.

zyxkad commented 2 weeks ago

why do you want a specific ID?

fatboychummy commented 2 weeks ago

why do you want a specific ID?

Mainly for creative worlds.

Started programming on an advanced computer but now want to work with commands? Give yourself a command computer with the same id, instead of copying/moving all the files to a new id. Want to see if your ui scales well on a turtle's smaller screen? /give yourself a turtle with the same id.

SquidDev commented 2 weeks ago

CCTweaks had this way, way back, which was useful (as computers stored their IDs in metadata).

However, in modern versions of the game, all computers store IDs in the same way, so I don't actually think it's too annoying (either to do, or to remember);

Also worth noting that 1.20.5 and later also give you auto-complete, so even easier to remember!