cc-tweaked / CC-Tweaked

Just another ComputerCraft fork
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Unable to Collect Lava with Turtle.PlacedDown() #297

Closed Riewest closed 4 years ago

Riewest commented 4 years ago

Currently Playing a custom 1.14.4 pack, and when I call "turtle.placeDown()" with an empty bucket and a lava source block below it does not collect the lava. I made a pack with only JEI and CCTweaked with the following versions and it still persisted their as well. Happens with both Water and Lava

Forge Version: 28.1.10 CCTweaked Version: 1.84.1 JEI Version:


SquidDev commented 4 years ago

It appears that fluid placing/breaking is somewhat broken - it often goes on the wrong side (and in the case of water, goes inside the turtle). I suspect this is due to the 1.14 fluid changes, but I'll look into it.

SquidDev commented 4 years ago

This will be fixed in the next release, sorry for the slow fix.