cc-tweaked / CC-Tweaked

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Computer/Turtle/Pocket not working in SinglePlayer #61

Closed Shiranuit closed 5 years ago

Shiranuit commented 5 years ago

I haven't seen this issue before, i don't know if i'am the only one to have it

Everything work well in multiplayer, but when i go in singleplayer, computer/turtle/pocket nothing works, the computer seems to be On but seems to not be booting up when trying to open a computer, the computer GUI is locked on this: image image

Am i doing something wrong ?

SquidDev commented 5 years ago

Do you have a full mod list? I seem to remember there are some similar issues caused by older versions of Peripherals+1.

Shiranuit commented 5 years ago

Plethora V1.1.12 Peripherals+1 V1.1 Build-T58 nbtperipheral-1.1

SquidDev commented 5 years ago

It appears the fix is still on their develop branch, and so hasn't been put out as a stable release. Could you try Build T65 instead? - that should have the fixes.

Shiranuit commented 5 years ago

I tested with only CC-Tweaked and Plethora installed and i still have the issue

Edit : the issue appear with only CC-Tweaked installed

SquidDev commented 5 years ago

OK, that is curious. Would you mind enabling logPeripheralErrors, restarting and retrying and then attaching the resulting logs? CC should log any issues which might stop the computer from booting correctly.

Shiranuit commented 5 years ago

Where are the CC logs stocked ? I enabled logPeripheralErrors but couldn't find them

SquidDev commented 5 years ago

Should just be the main logs directory. If you're on a recent Forge version, should be logs/latest.log and latest/debug.log - if in doubt just delete the directory, rerun and then copy everything.

Shiranuit commented 5 years ago

Here they are latest.log debug.log

SquidDev commented 5 years ago

Hrmr, this is very curious. There's definitely an issue with the computer block appearing to be off until it receives a block update, but I cannot manage to produce anything where the GUI doesn't display.

There's nothing in the logs, which is even stranger. If the Lua VM was crashing, I'd be expecting to see something there.

I'm not really sure what else to suggest here - any other information you can think of would be incredibly useful. It may be worth running /computercraft dump, or /computercraft view #<computer id> to see if you can interface with it that way.


Shiranuit commented 5 years ago

I've tried /computercraft dump and /computercraft view #<computer id> but nothing worked

Quick update, CC was working but not CCTweaked so i cleaned up my Minecraft folder, and now CCTweaked seems to work well in singleplayer, i still do not know what was the reason that make the computers did not worked correctly

I think we can close this issue, cleaning up the minecraft folder seems to have solved it

Lemmmy commented 5 years ago

I think Peripherals+1 had left something over in your minecraft folder, quite possibly in your world folder, that was preventing CC:Tweaked from working. If you need to try Peripherals+1 again in the future, make sure to try with Build T65 first (where this issue is patched).

SquidDev commented 5 years ago

I tried adding P+1 and then removing it, and it didn't seem to cause any major issues. They do some weird things, but nothing which should cause damage like this...

Shiranuit commented 5 years ago

Peripherals+1 Build-T58 work with this version of CC-Tweaked

I Think some mods have let some residues between version 1.11.2 et 1.12.2 but i don't know how it has affected CC-Tweaked but not ComputerCraft, could this have something to do with Cobalt, because in 1.11 i had CCTweaks wich has Cobalt too, have you changed something with Cobalt ?

saismeesaimonsaimes commented 5 years ago

PPO had the same issue with the computers freezing like that for someone else. Will edit with link, but if you fly ~32 chunks away and come back does it fix?