ccampbell / sonic

fast, lightweight PHP 5.3 MVC framework
Apache License 2.0
63 stars 11 forks source link

is this project still alive? #27

Open csurf opened 11 years ago

csurf commented 11 years ago

last activity shows as being a year ago. has this been abandoned?

ccampbell commented 11 years ago

This is a good question. I wouldn't say it has been abandoned, but more so that I haven't had the time/energy/need to work on it. I have been busy with a lot of other projects, and Sonic isn't something I use in my day to day workflow.

I did start tinkering with a newer PHP framework that in some ways is inspired by/builds on sonic, but that project still hasn't made it off the ground, and I'm not sure if/when it will.

csurf commented 11 years ago

cool. thanks for the feedback. I was looking for something fast, clean, simple, and php5-capable, and sonic came up, so I decided to give it a try. so far, it seems pretty good, but it looks like I'll be pretty much 'on my own' with it from here on. I'm coming from codeigniter, and am ready to give CI the boot. I looked at some of the other stuff that's out there, and it just seemed either too slow,complicated, and bloated, or I just didn't like the 'feel' of the source layout. IMHO, a power user just needs a good base 'front controller' with decent routing, sturdy class autoloading, and (in my case) a lean yet full-featured mysql wrapper. All the rest of the 'bells&whistles' are unnecessary. So far, it seems like sonic fits that description pretty well. its a shame that it hasn't caught on and/or that you've lost interest. in my case, it looks like a decent fit, at least as a good base to play with & customize to my needs. Would be nice if there were more docs, but I understand.. Plus, I'm cool with digging into the source code to figure stuff out, although it does mean that it takes a bit longer to get going because you're forced to reverse-engineer everything in order to see how it works.