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24 - Take a breathe - Blog, Capstone and Catch up #30

Closed ccarew-bit closed 4 years ago

ccarew-bit commented 4 years ago

Recovery is key

The last 6 weeks have been a marathon of training your brain with new ideas and concepts; and just like during a training routine, you need to take some recovery days. Today, you should create a blog post as well as go back and revisit an old project and let your brain recovery before we take off again.



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ccarew-bit commented 4 years ago

The world of API's Before embarking on my journey that is coding boot-camp, I did my research. I looked into each coding language i was going to learn going into a fullstack course, and tried to learn a bit of each. I enrolled in an online fullstack coding course on Udemy. I made it through JavaScript, Html, CSS and learned a bit of C# before I went into the bootcamp. What my online course didn't teach me (or rather, what I didn't get to yet) was how all these languages come together. That's where this whole new world of API's comes into play! To me, API's are kindof where the front end and back end of coding connect. This is the way I see API's, you create them using SQL and C# which makes a database. A database has information on it. For example, you can make a database API for all the restaurants in your area with information about their hours and signature dishes, even their ratings. A user of the internet cant really just use a database without having knowledge of how to, that is where your front end knowledge comes into play. You can create a web page and make it look all pretty with Html and CSS and then you can make it do stuff like have buttons with javascript, which is cool. But this means nothing without real information… an API. And guess what!? you can find an API for just about anything! The Internet is vast and chances are something you are trying to make yourself is probably already made and ready to use. But anyway, you can connect your API to your front end and VOILA! you have a working website with meaningful information on it that looks pretty and functions! Before I started my boot camp, I really struggled to wrap my head around how all of these things connected and I just wanted to understand all of it right away, which was frustrating. But, now that I'm a little more than half way through my boot-camp and I finally can see the API light at the end of the coding tunnel.  All in all, this learning experience has been nothing short of, how should I say it…… confusing and awesome all at the same time!?

My medium article wouldn't publish because my profile was too new.