ccarney16 / pterodactyl-containers

Pterodactyl Panel within a docker container
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Rewrite panel updating page in wiki #88

Closed lakema17 closed 2 years ago

lakema17 commented 3 years ago

As a user myself, reading over the "Updating the panel" section in the wiki was quite inadequate, though it is mostly because I myself am not very proficient in the ways of Docker. I feel that the page needs to be rewritten a bit to accommodate to users like me, as I had to spend an hour or so looking around just to realize that I needed to pull the new image when attempting to update. Here's a step by step: Update panel image by doing docker pull ccarney16/pterodactyl-panel:latest Stop panel, worker, and cron docker-compose stop panel worker cron Start the panel docker-compose up -d panel which should update the panel to the latest version Clear the template cache with docker-compose exec panel php artisan view:clear and docker-compose exec panel php artisan config:clear Update the database with docker-compose exec panel php artisan migrate --seed --force Start the worker and cron containers with docker-compose up -d worker cron

ccarney16 commented 3 years ago

Actually with recent changes, it is no longer required to migrate/seed the database. and usually docker-compose up should pull the images, but you are correct, I should have opted to use pull then bring up the project. Alongside with that, bringing down the containers beforehand is not required.

lakema17 commented 3 years ago

Cool! Makes updating a lot easier. Thanks for the info

mikelavigne commented 3 years ago

Thanks @jakehead20 , I had issued updating and your message helped.