ccavanaugh / jgnash

jGnash Personal Finance
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Reconcile Statement Date should be able to default to "last day of month" #69

Open cheezecat opened 5 years ago

cheezecat commented 5 years ago

Expected Behavior

For accounts with "end of month" statements, default Reconcile Statement Date should be last day of the month, not the Statement Date of the previous reconcile. For example, if you reconcile with a Statement Date of Oct. 31, then Nov. 30, the default Dec Statement Date should be Dec. 31, not Dec. 30.

Unsure if this could be accomplished via remembering that 31 was the last manual chosen date, or if accounts need a special flag to indicate they receive end of month statements.

Actual Behavior

Reconciling with a Statement Date of Nov 30 will lead to a default Statement date of Dec 30.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

I think this is an accurate description of the problem, but I'm not certain how best to reproduce on demand either...

  1. Choose an account with unreconciled transactions in the previous month, which has 30 days (e.g. November)
  2. Press Reconcile button
  3. Choose Nov 30 as Statement Date
  4. Reconcile as normal
  5. In January, choose same account and press Reconcile again - note that Dec 30 is chosen as Statement Date rather than Dec 31


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