ccbikai / stylelint-processor-html

Please Use stylelint-processor-arbitrary-tags
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line map corret and close issue #1 #7

Open runfastlynda opened 7 years ago

runfastlynda commented 7 years ago

When i'm using stylelint for many .vue files, stylelint-processor-html displays the errors/sugestions but with line numbers way off, because the object(extractMap) is error, now i check the filepath for the object(extractMap), line numbers is corret and close issue #1.

当有多个 vue 文件需要 lint 时,stylelint-processor-html 的报错行数一直不正确,最终发现 extractMap 没有引用正确的,所以引入的文件路径做校验,现在报错行数正确,可以关闭issue #1 。

GeoffZhu commented 6 years ago

着急用这个模块,自己fork了一个,用了你的pr @runfastlynda , thanks