ccccourse / ai108b

人工智慧 -- 108 學年度下學期 (陳鍾誠的課程作業)
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習題:請試著用梯度下降法去調 w, b 使其滿足下列閘函數 #1

Open ccckmit opened 4 years ago

ccckmit commented 4 years ago
AND gate
x   y | o = and(x,y)
0   0 | 0     x0 y0 o0
0   1 | 0     x1 y1 o1
1   0 | 0     x2 y2 o2
1   1 | 1     x3 y3 o3

sig(w1*x + w2*y + b) = o
sig(w1*0 + w2*0 + b) = o0   => 0
sig(w1*0 + w2*1 + b) = o1   => 0
sig(w1*1 + w2*0 + b) = o2   => 0
sig(w1*1 + w2*1 + b) = o3   => 1

f(x,y,w) = (o0-0)^2 + (o1-0)^2 + (o2-0)^2 + (o3-1)^2 

sig 是 sigmoid 函數

rolf0504 commented 4 years ago

AND Gate Result

oxolll commented 4 years ago

AND Gate Result

wangproverb commented 4 years ago

AND Gate Result

ArthurLiao0816 commented 4 years ago

110710529 資工二 廖明志 AND Gate Result

claire-spam commented 4 years ago

電三乙 110610231 張皓淳 AND result

koozu commented 4 years ago

110610505 資工三 張皓評 AndGate Result

linjiachi commented 4 years ago

110610540 資工三 林家齊 And Gate Result

TKTim commented 4 years ago

110610503 資工三 李彥霆 And gate Result

pmfyyk2358 commented 4 years ago

110510518 資工四 江佳勳 AND gate OUT PUT

sr47ygt commented 4 years ago

AND result

dragonliang69 commented 4 years ago

110610515 資工三 呂楷茗 AND result

Doge12132009 commented 4 years ago

110610504 梁子恩 資工三 AND output

623538278 commented 4 years ago

110610544 何呈頌 資工三

s9953333 commented 4 years ago

AND result

mauriceaaa commented 4 years ago

110610551 資工三 林孟勳 and: result:

666tugege commented 4 years ago

資工三 柳垚 110610545

chanyuying commented 4 years ago

110610511 資工三 陳昱瑛 and result

peter8995 commented 4 years ago

110710518 資工二 王子衡 andgate

AndrewDTN commented 4 years ago

110710539 資工二 張仲恩 and result

foxking1025 commented 4 years ago

110610513 資工三 胡李駿 AND result

110610542 commented 4 years ago

110610542 資工三 李智傑 AND ANDresult

redfoxCCY commented 4 years ago

110610535 張家羱 資工三 hw1
