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CV label change requests #110

Closed cccs-ip closed 9 years ago

cccs-ip commented 9 years ago

I am starting this table now, but it is a work-in-progress until re-assigned:

NOTE: I would like to talk more about how you need to represent these fields in the database; I am introducing a field called 'shorthand' as a brainstorming slot in this regard

Admin Sidebar Headers (Dashboard Panel)

Current Label Revised Label Shorthand
Cccsmap CCCSmap
Cvs CVs
IFC Themes IFC Performance Standards
IFC SubThemes IFC PS SubThemes

Project Admin Console Sub-Section Listing (Dashboard Panel)

Current Label Revised Label Shorthand
IFC Themes IFC Performance Standards
IFC SubThemes IFC PS SubThemes

CV Admin Consult Sub-Section Listing (Dashboard Panel)

Current Label Revised Label Shorthand
Associate roles CCCS Roles CCCS_role

Project Input Page

(e.g. /admin/projects/project/390/)

Data Entry Value Prompts

Current Label Revised Label Shorthand
Short url Short URL
Loan or grant Loan or Grant No. loan_ID
Countries Country / Countries
Client end Sponsor / End Client client_sponsor
Client contract Contracted Through / Direct Client client_direct
Client beneficiary Beneficiary Client client_beneficiary
Contract Contract No. contract_ID
Cccs subthemes CCCS Sub-Theme(s): CCCS_subtheme
Cccs subsectors CCCS Sub-Sector(s): CCCS_subsector
Ifc subthemes IFC Performance Standard(s) (by Sub-Theme) IFC_PS_subtheme
Ifc sectors IFC Sector(s) IFC_sector

CV Input Page

(e.g. /admin/cvs/cv/11/)

Section Headers

Current Label Revised Label Shorthand
Content Biographical Profile CV_profile
Description HTML Page Description
CV Projects Projects
Memberships Professional Membership(s)

Data Entry Value Prompts

Current Label Revised Label Shorthand
Middle names Middle name(s)
Alternative names Alternative name(s)
Birth country Birth Country
Marital status Marital status
Associate role Associate Role
subject Major(s)/Primary Discipline(s)
subject Minor(s)
From date From Date
To date To Date
cccs-ip commented 9 years ago

I think I've identified most of the labels that I would like to change. Let's implement these, and I'll begin drafting another change request list if need be.

pwhipp commented 9 years ago

Done and deployed.

cccs-ip commented 9 years ago

excellent, thanks! i also see where the text fields are edited now.. slowly learning.