ccd-utexas / tsphot

Time series photometry using astropy.
MIT License
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Relax requirement for comparison stars. #118

Open keatonb opened 9 years ago

keatonb commented 9 years ago

We often run into trouble finding comparison stars with the ProEM at Cass due to the small FoV. This means we can only observe some targets under photometric conditions without comparison stars. I found that tsphot balks at producing a light curve without a comparison star. A good online reduction is critical to confirming that conditions remain photometric during such observations. Please relax the requirement that the target is divided by a comparison star when comparison star coordinates are not provided in phot_coords.txt.

stharrold commented 9 years ago

To patch the online analysis, you'll need to modify @mmmikemon 's code and merge your hotfix back into master. The new pipeline in the develop branch doesn't have an explicit requirement on comparison stars. But it also doesn't have online analysis done yet.