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[Feature Request] Threading enhancement #1999

Open alidan opened 6 years ago

alidan commented 6 years ago

Ok, now that the losing data/hide/you's seems to be handled I'll ask this.

I have been using the threading option a bit and find it very useful, especially for longer threads however there seem to be 3 issues that stop me from keeping it on all the time.

1) it doesn't thread to op posts, a bit minor I'll freely admit, but it would be nice to see threads start with op posts 2) if two people are quoted and they aren't from the same thread, it does nothing. I can see the use in terms of clutter, but honestly I would rather just have the post duplicated and visible in both areas along with the subsequent threading. yes, it could turn into an absolute cluster fuck, I have opened responces with the normal behavior and have had them get so cluttered it goes into single character lines, but these are largely exceptions, not the norm. 3) Im not entirely sure but I have read through threaded tabs where it seems like responses come up into the threading real time, but at the bottom of the page there is a thread new posts option. would it be possible to get a hard line at the bottom for when threading started and where it stops till you incorporate? This may just be weirdness on my end but knowing below this line is where threading stopped would be nice.

I think each of these behaviors could be options for the viewmode itself, so if people don't like them, it's a checkbox to turn off.

alidan commented 6 years ago

They don't thread either when they are new, or when they quite a post that is outside of the thread chain. I dont mind new posts not being threaded as that would make it harder to follow a thread when its 200 posts long, but 10 people post while you are reading the thread chains and you have to rego though it, no, at that point I just want new posts to show up like normal unless I press the thread new posts button at the bottom. However, I would love to see some posts just repeat themselves in other threaded chains, I think that would make some threads so much easier to follow.

alidan commented 6 years ago

new posts are threaded but not always, some seem to escape for no reason sometimes :/

would look weird, to always have a line from the OP every OP reply has OP in the backlink unless you've disabled that

is interesting and worth looking into i agree basically - duplicate a reply if it has more than one backlink currently such replies are outside of threads they reply to

is available already, in Monitoring Unread Line: Show a line to distinguish read posts from unread ones. when you revisit a thread all replies before it will be threaded all new/unread replies will not be threaded until you view them all replies to new replies are threaded once you view them and refresh the thread all will be threaded

well for number 1, I want to counter with this this is a thread that has 325 replies, but only has op quoted 3 times in total. It would be nice to have op have a thread chain of his own in threading.

as for number 3, that is a read up to line, what I want is a clear delineation at the bottom between everything above this line was threaded where appropriate, everything below is new posts. this would stay there till you hit the thread button. Like I said in the original one, it seems to be weirdness on my end that makes me want this, along with a more clear want to know when threading ends.

about the new posts but when opening a thread

Remember Last Read Post: Remember how far you've read after you close the thread. if it's unchecked everything is threaded except for the posts replying to more than one post

I think that behavure would need to change, as it makes threads far more difficult to deal with until they are archived if new replies are being inserted higher up them you are currently reading.

alidan commented 6 years ago

Ok, Im not sure we are on the same page entirely.

for 1, I would like them threaded to op, because people replying to op are generally the reason I go into the thread to being with, as in, its the main topic, people directly replying to op, mix in reply duplicates so the replies are in every chain they apply to, If I wanted to rely on backlinking I can, however its the difference between a thread looking like or a thread looking like

After spending time with threading, I much prefer it to backlinking because it is pretty clean and allows you to follow the conversation better then backlinks, as with backlinks you get the fun of having one person quite 5 or so different people, and then you have to see what he quoted to there... all in all, it turns into a mess, but threading and duplicating can give a cleaner flow to how it works, that's largely why I would prefer it to start at op, as in that thread specifically that I capped from The first direct response to op happens about half way down the thread, and little over half way down with threading enabled.

as for 3, what i would like is a hard lock on a thread once opened and loaded, where things won't insert into threads above if posted, instead there would be a line that is a delineation between everything above was in the thread before it fully loaded, and everything after was posted after the thread was fully loaded and did not thread. It would be nice to be able to see where threading stopped.