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Properly display mod-embedded HTML from archived posts #2881

Open kargaroc opened 3 years ago

kargaroc commented 3 years ago

So, occasionally a mod will make posts like these:

These display properly when quoting the original posts, but not the archived versions.

I imagine that it wouldn't be too difficult to make them work correctly, as if you were quoting the original post when it was still up. Make the HTML embed properly, redirect image links to their archived versions, etc. This would really help out with preserving these special posts.

bakugo commented 3 years ago

Foolfuuka archives treat mod HTML as plain text, so it's effectively no different from a normal user typing in HTML into their post, there's no way to tell it apart. And even if it was possible, it's not that great of an idea to allow archives to insert arbitrary HTML into the page.

kargaroc commented 3 years ago

That's a good point actually. Though it makes you wonder if not allowing it at all is a good idea either. If I did this, I'd likely make it a per-post option that's off by default.

ccd0 commented 3 years ago

Agree with the security reasons bakugo mentioned. A per-post option would fix this, but I'm not sure this is desired enough to warrant the extra code for it.