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Monier inflectional information starting with `°` is lost and throws error #53

Open fxru opened 9 years ago

fxru commented 9 years ago

f. mother Pāṇ. 7-3, 107 Comm. (voc. °डे and °ले) and Kāś. (in Veda voc. optionally °ड and °ल).


f. mother Pāṇ. 7-3, 107 Comm. (voc. °ḍe and °le) and Kāś. (in Veda voc. optionally °ḍa and °la).

for forms prefixed by ° conversion into Devanagari is good, but display in ISO is probbaly cleaner looking and closer to the original in Monier.

the error message reads:

(in pwg) Cannot transliterate '°qe' from Latn to Deva using slp1

<T13n::Error: No sequence can start with codepoint 0xb0 (°) in SLP1>


Note that the last slp1 la is actually transformed while qe, le, and qa aren't. Also veda should be in ISO and not Devanagari.

gioele commented 9 years ago

An example of this problem is in atikrama in PWG.

gioele commented 9 years ago

This is caused by the fact that the degree sign ° is used inside words marked as SLP1 and SLP1 does not define any transliteration for that character. I think it should be placed ourside the <tei:w> elements, as it is done in Monier.

Accepting ° as a SLP1 character is doable, but it has the drawback that the automatic search links will include it as well.