ccfox / CWE-FoxFork

A fork of the Cold War Enhancement to continue it in a semi-official capacity. Contains many changes from the original.
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List of planned changes to CWE. #1

Open ccfox opened 1 year ago

ccfox commented 1 year ago

-Adding in a new ideology 'Social Democracy' to represent right-social democratic parties, and using the existing 'socialist' ideology to represent left-social democrats or radical leftist parties that don't fit into communist or market socialist. FINISHED

-Merging certain opm or completely unused cultures together (such as Faroese into Danish) and cleaning up cultures.txt.

-Reworking Arab cultures by removing the national cultures, and instead only using regional and pan-Arab, except in the case of Egypt and Sudan. FINISHED

-Reworking the law system to be more dynamic by changing the progression/regression for ideologies based on issues and gov type, as well as which laws they can select.

-Adding in a Russia tag separate from the USSR.

-Reworking the Soviet dissolution with a full event chain, to help make it more dynamic as well as give flavor for the post-Soviet states.

-Reworking the Russian successor states in event of complete dismantlement, including renaming Volga to Idel-Ural state and giving decisions for smaller break-aways to form larger ones, and larger ones to reform Russia.

-Continuing to make event outcomes dynamic based on ruling party support, sphereling status, and so on to make the game more dynamic and responsive.

-Adding in an American collapse event chain to the USA during the Cold War based around militancy, Civil Rights status, and GP status.

-Adding in a framework 'insurgency' event system for major movements that includes events for 'low' and 'high' level activities, generic 'overthrow' and 'defeat' events, and events for integration into friendly government.

-Using said framework to make more specific insurgencies, such as the RAF, the Taliban/Mujahadeen, and other movements.

-Reworking nations like 'Northern Greece', 'Eastern Germany', 'South Vietnam', etc to be full nations - altering the 'reunification' events accordingly. That way they can use unique unifier parties and events are easier to code for them.

-Continue work on adding flavor to nations where possible.

-Clean up broken, depreciated, or disabled events and decisions that might be lingering around.

-Clean up loc that is out of place.

-Adding in a 'Eurasian' culture for use by the Eurasia tag, as well as by the Soviet tag by adding in Domper's planned 'New Soviet Man' event chain.

-Reworking 'Jewish' as a culture group into the constituent culture groups; Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi, and Beta Israeli.

-Making Berlin its own state, with two provinces - for East and West Berlin. FINISHED

ghost commented 1 year ago

Why not make XEA - Eurasia the Soviet tag ~like NWO~ instead of adding a Soviet tag? {Huh, NWO didn't replace their Soviet tag. I thought they did.}

ccfox commented 1 year ago

Soviet tag isn't what would be added - it would be a Russia tag, with the RUS tag being repurposed into the Soviet tag (since its more work to replace RUS, rather than adding a new tag [such as RSS] for Russia). It hopefully won't be too confusing.

ghost commented 1 year ago

I've been updating glariamn's ideology branch here: Have you seen any sign of interest in the CWE mod series since the start of the year? Only spiders crawl my repository. Also do you think the more right-wing of the community is now the majority of vic2 players since v3 released? The picture of Francisco Franco is still upvoted on the Steam community page.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I'll take a look at it. It'll probably take a while to add, because I need to add named social democratic parties for all nations (or at least the major ones that'll have them in charge have named ones) and then edit all events and decisions to match both that change and any changes I plan. I can hopefully get it to the position progressive was prior to there being more content for it (where its at least in and works, even if its not utilized as well as it could be).

As for interest, yes. Both in Victoria II's CWE, and any future thing for Victoria 3. Though I probably won't be involved much with CWE3, due to irreconcilable differences in vision for it. Not a lot of people use the github though, nor do all of the people that say they want to help or contribute actually ever do so - so its mainly just people playing the game. A few of them post AARs, with a lot of what they complain about being things about Victoria II that can't really be changed anyhow (pop growth, migration, etc).

As far as if the right-wing of the community is now the majority, I don't know. As long as I have the ability to do so, I'll help keep CWE's community clean of that.

ghost commented 1 year ago

@settintotrieste @ccfox @Eeillios @ARR8 @glariamn would y'all consider making a successor of the CWE mod for OpenVic2?

ccfox commented 1 year ago

Is it far enough along to warrant making mods for it? I wouldn't be opposed to it - though only if it wouldn't require constant changing of code-end things to keep up with updates and fixes for the main project.

ghost commented 1 year ago

It isn't, but that means any design suggestions we make wouldn't be hindered by legacy design. The problem I foresee is the dev team; we might need to fork their project if they inject too much political bias into the project.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

After social democrat is added as an ideology, I think the Russia as a separate tag thing should be next, followed by this: "-Reworking the law system to be more dynamic by changing the progression/regression for ideologies based on issues and gov type, as well as which laws they can select."

I had ideas for how to do it. Essentially I wanted to replace the 'road to democracy', 'road to dictatorship' with decisions that are more straight-forward. These decisions would be something akin to 'constitutional assembly' or 'constitutional amendment', depending on what is changed. These would change laws dynamically based on ruling party ideology, current government type, and even party issues (it'd be a lot to code, but the same decision should be able to be used for every situation). In essence, there would be 'preferred' sets of laws for each.

In addition to the above, 'natural'/basegame law change would be disabled (for political laws only, perhaps), and pop ideology drift would be altered as well to accommodate the new system.

This way different governments can use more diverse ranges of laws, changing governments as the player is easier, and the laws themselves can maybe have their effects tweaked a bit.

Also in regards to this: "-Adding in a framework 'insurgency' event system for major movements that includes events for 'low' and 'high' level activities, generic 'overthrow' and 'defeat' events, and events for integration into friendly government."

I was thinking about also entirely removing the nwo 'terrorism' system and 'civil war' system, and associated events. They are a confusing mess, and the civil war system itself is hopelessly broken (no one actually knows what it does, and its kept mostly so people can joke about it). The new system I have in mind would work better anyhow, imo.

You'd have a flag (generic or specific) that designates an insurgent group as 'active' and then three or four tiers of random events for actions against said group (based on laws and stance towards the insurgents) and actions by said group (influenced by the group itself if its specific, otherwise using militancy and pop ideology). These events would be mostly state-based and revolve around either increasing or decreasing support for the insurgent group, alongside generic events for the defeat of the group, integration into a friendly government, and victory of the insurgent group.

So something like the RAF in the FRG or the Red Brigades in Italy would no longer use random generic 'terrorist' events with no ability to actually do anything, but instead would be able to utilize a system that has the player of either nation have to actively curtail said groups (or foster them) towards an actual end goal.

It also makes it easier to make playing as Afghanistan slightly more challenging, since as it is now its fairly easy to get the pop support needed to get the 'defeat of the Taliban' event.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

Also, I'll probably also install github's bloatware or whatever to upload files here when the social democrat ideology is added too, to make future changes easier. At that point, nothing that is changed will be compatible with the main fork of cwe anyhow.

ghost commented 1 year ago

What's your plan for the Ummah? It's not formable.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

I can't imagine how many unused countries there are that are still in the game from back when CWE was still a WWII mod. I think it might be good to go through and make sure all the countries in there are actually used - though it could be done in parts. Its probably related to some of the weird 'hard-coded' anti-Muslim stuff left over from nwo. I was thinking about removing 'Islamist rebels' entirely, so perhaps when that happens we can go through and fully pull that out of the mod as well.

A note though on some of the tags that are not in yet; Sichuan is going to be used for Xikang. When Domper or I get a chance to rework the Chinese Civil War (Qinghai [as the Ma Clique], Sichuan [as Xikang], and Yunnan will get the same treatment as Xinjiang, but will actually be puppets of the RoC - and all of them + Taiwan and Tibet will get events).

ghost commented 1 year ago

Also, the gfx files, history files, and provinces.bmp are too big to upload for some reason. @Outta-my-way-burrocrat, if you have the program that lets you do uploads (I can't find the download for it) then uploading those would be appreciated. I didn't change any gfx - so the gfx from my fork of the main cwe repo should be fine. Same with history files - just pull them from my fork (the main branch). I only had to edit a few files in history/countries, so I'd easily be able to replace them.

Sorry, I'm not able to do much development or bugfixing for the mod due to the way they did graphics. I may fork OpenVic2 and adapt it to a cold war era sometime this year.

Here are the Git command line apps:

And here's the link to GitHub's desktop app:

BTW, I noticed you based this submod on an older buggy version of CWE; why?

ccfox commented 1 year ago

I based it on the last version before I redid nearly every single event file. Most of the bug-fixes were for events, and I've already had to go through them all twice now (and will need to do so more). Every single essential events file is gone, and the essential events files are such a mess that I'm never going through them again - plus much of the fixes are for events I've already fixed, have deleted, or am going to delete.

I thought I had copied over things like the factory duplication fixes and stuff like that, however.

And thanks, hopefully I can get them to work.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

So I'm getting crashes (at loading databases, so the mod does not even load), even adding in the only files that should be missing from the main repo. Even doing the 'Nuclear Option' of just adding everything that is missing doesn't work - which means one of the edited files is messing things up. I have no idea where it might be, however.

Also, still can't get the github program to work.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

I have divined that the crashes are the most likely the result of something in history/countries or history/pops.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Singalese is only present in Abu Dhabi 1992.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Sorry, there are also singalese pops in Dubai

ghost commented 1 year ago

@ccfox did you get a notice saying you must agree to a new contract before playing Victoria 2?

ccfox commented 1 year ago

@Outta-my-way-burrocrat Yes, Paradox updated their EULA. You get that notice for any game published by them it seems. Haven't read it, but I assume we're all safe!

ghost commented 1 year ago

The space race decisions haven't been updated to account for settintotrieste's last tech update.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

The space race decisions are kind of broken anyhow, it might be worth redoing them.

ghost commented 1 year ago

There's a few noculture christian_arab pops in Chile, France, Ivory Coast, Mexico and Sweden.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

Let me guess, the 1992 start? I'd replace them all with levantine_arab in Chile, France, Mexico, and Sweden and with the pan-Arab culture in Ivory Coast.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Let me guess, the 1992 start?

Yes. Santiago has them in every bookmark.

1992 has a lot of old pop bugs from NWO, have you considered removing the bookmark and starting again?

ccfox commented 1 year ago

Yes, but people really like the 1992 bookmark for some reason.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Should Kuwait be arab_mesopotamian or arab_gulf in 1992?

ccfox commented 1 year ago

I think I divided it between the two for the other bookmarks.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

Despite me testing the - personally ingenious - "modifier = { factor = 0.6 NOT = { OR = { aristocrats = { pop_majority_ideology = communist } bureaucrats = { pop_majority_ideology = communist } } } }" to dynamically alter event outcomes for certain nations. It seems it no longer works. I assume this is true about the same line with soldiers/officers in it as well. Trying to find an alternative has proven fruitless, so they'll need to be commented out (because I need to replace them with something). I've tried a find/replace, but notepad++ is a bit lacking.

Do you happen to know a way to quickly comment them all out?

ghost commented 1 year ago

@ccfox I might have enough time to work on that problem in the next 24 hours.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

I've fixed them, at least I think.

Finding a way to make that line of code work would be ideal though. I had tested it and had it working before, I'm not sure what happened - or what alternative line of code would actually work.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

@Outta-my-way-burrocrat Do you happen to know if there is an easy and efficient way to check for unused event pictures in the gfx files?

ghost commented 1 year ago

Not currently.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

Pain it is.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Some BEN and CAR events are missing from FoxFork, is that intentional?

ccfox commented 1 year ago

Which? Most of the events for minors were in one of the 'essential events' files, I removed some of the ones that were so broken I couldn't even tell what they were supposed to do.

ghost commented 1 year ago The ones for the Central African Empire under Bokassa 1400024 1400025

ccfox commented 1 year ago

Alright, I've readded them. Thanks.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

The ideology chances are a bit of a mess in the poptypes folder, so that'll need work too.

ghost commented 1 year ago

@ccfox Two questions

What are heavy infantry supposed to be? What are combat support units? Their unit sprite is a UAV thingy but they have infantry graphics.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

I don't know, I've never messed with any of the military stuff. Even military inventions I've tried to shy away from because I don't have a good feel for the current balance of things in the mod (though tbf I don't think many people do). Right now I'm working on just trying to make that generic insurgency system work so I can replace the messy and somewhat racist terrorism events.

ghost commented 1 year ago

settintotrieste: I think it is better to reduce the naval base levels to match the existing techs than to clump 3 techs into the same unlocking year as that would make the techs less spread out over the game's timeline.

Outta-my-way-burrocrat: Why does the UK Russia and the USA get 1950s tech for free in 1946?

settintotrieste: I can’t remember the reason but it’s probably a mistake on my part to let them have the extra techs.

ghost commented 1 year ago

@settintotrieste @ccfox Qing and Reorganized Government China are non-playable leftovers from some prior mod.

ccfox commented 1 year ago

One of the four to six prior reincarnated lives of this mod, yeah. They can probably be safely removed then.

Removing free naval tech that shouldn't be around sounds fine.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Mesoamerica is missing a traditionalist party.

ghost commented 1 year ago

A lot of Italian-derived countries like Sicily and Trieste have party start and end date bugs and anachronistic names. Khuzestan doesn't have a populist party. Northern Caucasus doesn't have a Market Socialist party.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Myanmar's populist and progressive parties have bugs.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Germany and Iran lack progressive parties before 1980 and 1999

ghost commented 1 year ago

Algeria lacks a populist party before 1988 Italy and Sicily lack a progressive party before 1955.12.11 Japan lacks a progressive party before 1948.1.1 Liberia lacks a progressive party before 2005.10.11 Luxemburg lacks a progressive party before 1983.6.23 North German Federation, Rhineland, South German Fed and Hanover lack a progressive party before 1980.1.13 Red Italy lack a progressive and a populist party before 1986.11.16 and 1983 South Tyrol lacks a progressive party before 1978 Turkey lacks a progressive party between 2002 and 2006 Ukraine lacks a progressive party before 1990

ghost commented 1 year ago

Is anything in events/Force Satellite Release.txt used in the mod?

ccfox commented 1 year ago

I have no idea, isn't it CB related? I've also been slowly working on the party fixes.